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1267 21 12 Vol. 21 No. 12 2008 12 Journal ofM edical Postgraduates Dec. 2008 56例髁状突骨折的临床分析 1 1 2 1 1 3 杨 震, 曹 罡 , 肖 平, 尹 英 , 寿柏泉 , 黎介寿 (, 1. ; 2. ; 3. , 210002 ) : 目的: 方法: 6 结 果: ( 82. 14% ); 20~ 0 89. 29% ; ( 1. 79% ) , 26. 79% ; 48. 21% , 48. 21% ; 89. 29% 结论: , , , + : ; ; * : R683 : A : 1008-8199(2008) 12-1267-03 R etrospective clin ical ana ly sis of 6 cases of condylar fractu res 1 1 2 1 1 3 YANG Zhen , CAO Gang, X IAO P ing , Y IN Y ing , SHOU Bai-quan , LI Jie-shou ( 1. D ep artm ent of S tomatology; 2. Tang shan S anatorium; 3. PLA R esearch Ins titute of G enera l S urg ery, N an ing G enera lH osp ita l of N an ing M ilitary Comm and, PLA, N a n ing 210002, J iang su, Ch ina ) Abs tract: O bj ective: To evaluate d ifferent treatmentmethods for condylar fractures. M ethods: R e-t rospective analysesw eremade of the clin ical data of 6 cases of condylar fractures treated from January 1996 to December 2007. R esu lts: Condylar fractures occurred mostly in males ( 82. 14% ), and 89. 29% of the patientsw ere aged 20- 0 years. T raffic accidents accounted for 1. 79% and falling 26. 79% of the causes, 48. 21% of the cases accompan iedw ith injuries of other parts of the body, and 89. 29% restored to normal occlusion after surgical


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