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Reading The universal language Period 2 Language points Unit 2, Module 8 Learning aims: Through this class, we will be able to: 1. Grasp and master the important words and phrases. (掌握重要的词和短语) 2. Analyze important sentences and do some imitative writings. (分析和掌握重要句子) 3. Write a short passage using the new words phrases. Teaching procedures : Activity 1 Write down the correct forms of the following words: 1. universe宇宙;(n.) ______共同的,普遍的(adj.) 2. disturb 扰乱;打扰(v)________(adj.) 3. evident明显的; (a.) ____(adv.)____证据(n.) 4. mercy 仁慈; (n.) _____仁慈的(adj.) 5. united 团结的;(adj.) _____团结(v.) 6. marry 结婚; (v.) _____婚姻(n.) 7.direct 导演 (n.) ______导演(n.) 8.music(音乐); (n) _____音乐家(n) Activity 2 Task 1: Match these new words and phrases from the text with their meanings.(词意配对) Example: be condemned to death stubborn ask for one’s hand in marriage disturbing fall in love (with sb) at first sight scold sb for ( not doing)sth break one’s promise be unwilling to do sth 爱上某人 固执的 被判死刑 令人不安的 向某人求婚 乍一看 食言 不情愿做某事 因没做某事而斥责某人 Task 2: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases above, using their proper forms. (使用上述词语完成下列句子,注意:使用其正确形式) Example: Turandot is the story of a _________(固执的) cruel Chinese princess,named Turandot. (Line13 ) Thoese who cannot answer all three riddles,however,will _______ __________ _________ _________.(被判为死刑)(L17) This means that few men would dare to ___ ____ her ______ _______ ________.(向她求婚)(L18) The emperor finds the death ________(令人不安的).(L20) Although he would like to, he cannot_____ _______ ______(食言) must allow Turandot to do as she wishes.(Line 20) Shortly afterwards,another prince Calaf,____ _____ _____ ______ Turandot (爱上图兰朵)____ _____ ______ (初次见面) (Line 22) Calaf ____ Turandot ____ ____ ___more merciful.(斥责图兰朵没慈悲心)(L35) I.There could not be a more awesome setting.(9)翻译______________ 用一个比较级的否定形式来表达最高级。否定词 not/no/never /nothing 等于比较级连用,往往表达最高级的含义。意为:”没有更的了。 仿写:我从来没见过比更的了. ________________________than


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