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1 第20章 人胚早期发育 Early Development of human Embryo 刘桂香 组织学与胚胎学教研室 DEPARTMENT OF HISTOLOGY AND ENBRYOLOGY 2 The fetus is only eight-week old, three centimeters in length, less than 3 grams. 3 一、生 殖 细 胞 与 受 精 Germ cell and fertilization 4 (一)生殖细胞(germ cell) 精子(23,X) (23,Y) (23X) (23,Y) spermatozoon 卵丘复合体 (46,XX) Complex of cumulus ophorus 5 (二) 受 精 (fertilization) 定义:精子与卵子结合形成一个受精卵的过程 sperm and ovum combined into a fertilized ovum 部位:输卵管的壶腹部.( of uterine tube) 6 条件: 1、精子与卵子在24h之内相遇 the sperm contacts the ovum in 24h 2、精子获能 (capacitation) 7 顶体反应 透明带反应 皮质颗粒 Diagrams illustrating the process of fertilization 8 male and female pronucleus 9 二、胚泡形成和植入 Formation of the blastocyst implantation 10 (一)卵裂与胚泡形成 Cleavage and Formation of the Blastocyst 卵裂:受精卵的细胞分裂,卵裂产生的子细胞称 卵裂球(blastomere)。 The first few mitotic divisions of the zygote are called cleavage divisions, to indicate that the daughter cells called blastomere. 11 卵裂(cleavage) Fertilized ovum 12 13 14 15 16 17 (二)植入(Implantation) 18 (二)植入(Implantation) placenta previa ectopic pregnancy 19 20 前置胎盘(placenta previa) 21 输卵管妊娠(tubal pregnancy) 22 23 三、胚层的形成 Formation of Germ layers 24 (一)二胚层胚盘及相关结构的形成 Formation of bilaminar germ disc (Week 2) 25 26 (二)三胚层胚盘及相关结构的形成 Formation of trilaminar germ disc (Week 3) 27 Formation of trilaminar germ disc (Week 3) 28 原条退化不全 畸胎瘤(teratoma) 29 四、三胚层分化及胚体形成 Differentiation of germs and formation of the body ( week 4~8 ) 30 (一)外胚层的分化 Differentiation of ectoderm 31 32 (一) Differentiation of ectoderm 外胚层 33 Trilaminar germ disc and Formation of neural tube 34 前神经孔 后神经孔 Posterior neural pore Neural tube Neural fold 如未闭合,将形成无脑儿 如未闭合,将形成脊柱裂或脊髓裂 1、Neural ectoderm Anterior neural pore 35 前神经孔 无脑畸形 后神经孔 脊髓裂 未闭合 36


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