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25 2 V o l. 25, N o. 2 2005 4 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION A pr. 2005 : 1000- 1301 2005) 02- 0062- 06 吴 波, 熊 焱 , 5 10640 ) : , ; , , , : ; ; : P315. 95 : A A direct disp lacem en t-based seism ic design m ethod for structures W u Bo, X iong Y an D epartm en t of C ivil E ngineering, S outh Ch ina U n ivers ity of T echnology, Guangzhou 5 10640, C hina) Abs tract: U sing the se ism ic design code o f Ch ina, the y ie ld shear fo rce in the first storey of a structure can be ob- tained according to the target interstorey drift in the sam e storey. T he ratio of the y ield shear force to the base shear force of the structure is form ulated, and the effect o fm ain factors on the rat io is ana lyzed. T hen, a new d irect dis- placem ent-based se ism ic design m ethod for RC structures is proposed. F inally, num erical ana lysis is conducted and the feasib ility o f the proposed m ethod is validated prmi arily. K ey w ord s: se ism ic design; displacem ent; shear force , , , [ 1~ 3] , [ 1] , 3: , [ 4, 5] , : 1) ; 2); 3) ; 4) ; 5) ; 6) ; 7) : 2004- 12- 28; : 2005- 03- 0 1 : 50 178031) : 1968- ) , , , , . 2 :



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