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09年学位英语考前串讲(深圳) 广东省学位英语网 陆道夫 教授 主讲 近4年的命题规律 命题趋势预测 精华考点梳理 高分技能提示 Questions 05、06、07、08四年统考命题规律 不超纲、守样题、题型稳 命题难度因年而异 命题材料的时效性---阅读、完形填空 作文命题的贴切性:紧扣成教特点,让考生有话可说,有话要说。 最常用的语法考点、最明显的词义辨析、最容易忽视的短语词组 命题趋势预测 总体而言,试题难度今年会降低 阅读材料会增加长度、难度、新颖度,会有意在阅读上拉开考生的分数档次 作文将会依然采用命题提纲作文的方式,命题由个人的小问题逐渐转向社会热点的大问题 语法项目不会太难,同义词、近义词和常用词组的命题比例会加重 常见的会话语境减少,新的会话类型加大,句式更简单地道 精华考点梳理 会话常考语境及有用句型 1.常考的语境:介绍自己、同学、朋友等,问路、购物、打电话、求职、建议、提出请求、表达个人好恶与偏爱、谈论天气等。 2.上下文语境关系、约定俗成的口语习惯用法、中文口语表达的干扰(即汉语式的英语口语)等历来都是会话测试的命题重点所在。 会话常考句型 Introduction(介绍) 1.John,may I introduce Mary to you? 2.I’d like you to meet Mary. 3 .Have you met each other before? 4.Can I have your business card? 5.Sorry, I didn't catch your name 会话常考句型 Apologies(道歉) Excuse me./I beg your pardon./Forgive me. I’m really sorry for not keeping my promise Will you ever forgive me? It’s all my fault. I didn't mean it It’s stupid of me to think/do that 会话常考句型 Invitations(邀请) I wonder if you two would like to come to…? Would you be free to a concert on Sunday? Why don’t you come on a holiday with us? We should be delighted if you could… 会话常考句型 Asking for Permission(请求许可) Do you mind my doing…? Would you mind my doing…? Would it be possible for me to put off the work till a later day? I wonder if I could turn the CD player on. 会话常考句型 Making Telephone Calls(打电话) Is Roger there? Yes,speaking, please. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. Hold the line,please. He's not available now. Can I take a message? May I leave a message? Of course. Hold on for just a second so I can 会话常考句型 Having Meals(用餐) Are you ready to order now? What would you like to drink,tea or coffee? I prefer to drink coffee without sugar. Make yourself at home. We will go Dutch.我们AA制。 Tonight’s on me. I’LL take care of the bill/check. No. It’s my treat. 会话常考句型 Asking the Way(问路) Excuse me,can you tell me the way to…? Excuse me,is this the right way to? Excuse me,how


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