[外语课件]Lecture 4 The Renaissance in Europe and the Historical Background of English Renaissance[精品].ppt

[外语课件]Lecture 4 The Renaissance in Europe and the Historical Background of English Renaissance[精品].ppt

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[外语课件]Lecture 4 The Renaissance in Europe and the Historical Background of English Renaissance[精品]

Henry VIII united the England and fight against the Catholic Church of Rome. * 4. The Religious Reformation in England ? the establishing of the Anglican Church. 1)Martin Luther German Protestant (新教徒) purify the church Rome’s control corruption * Martin Luther, a young professor at Wittenberg, Germany, who initiated the religious movements of the Reformation out of new interpretations and spiritual questioning of the Roman Catholic beliefs. Luther believed that every true Christian was his own priest and was entitled to interpret Scripture for himself. * 2) Henry VIII Defender of the Church Supporter of the Movement marriage angry corruption of broke away from the Roman Church * 3)Edward VI 1537.10.12-1553.7.6 5)Queen Elizabeth Son of Henry VIII. He carried out the Reformation of Christianity. (1547 - 1553 ) The flowering time of the Renaissance. 1558.11.17—1603.3.24 4)Queen Mary Restored the Catholic and killed a lot 1553.7.19 – 1558.11.17 * Cathrine of Aragon / Anne Bolyn * Bloody Mary / Queen Elizabeth * 5. In 1588, under Queen Elizabeth England defeated the Spanish Invincible Armada, and Great Britain became No. 1 on the high seas and in the world trade. * 6. Development in Natural Science 1) Sun-centered theory by Nicolaus Copernicus gave a heavy blow to Christianity. Nicolaus Copernicus * 2) Columbus’s discovery of the New Land. Columbus * 3) A round earth theory put forward by Bruno. * 4) Math and Physics theories by Galileo Galileo * Homework Preview: Read about Shakespeare and Hamlet Read from P.121—128 and learn about Francis Bacon and his Of Studies. * Lecture 4 The Renaissance Nancy Wang Sep. 29, 2011 The?Renaissance It (the Ren.) was the greatest progressive revolution that mankind has so far experienced, a time which called for giants and produced giants—giants in power of thought, passion and character, in universality and learning. ------F. Engles * Contents I. the Ren. in E



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