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年产20万吨10度纯生啤酒厂工艺初步设计本科毕业设计 年产20万吨10度纯生啤酒厂工艺初步设计 摘要 纯生啤酒作为一种口味更加纯正的饮料酒深受消费者的欢迎,其市场需求已经越来越大。本论文综合运用了大学期间所学的各个学科,针对年产20万吨纯生啤酒的发酵工艺进行了设计。通过参阅大量的国内外文献,确定了采用下面发酵法,以70%的大麦和30%的大米为原料进行为期20天(主发酵6天,后发酵14天)的分批式发酵。由物料衡算得出每年需大米9410t、大麦22000t、酒花4700t;由热量衡算得出每年消耗蒸汽9.87107kg;由水衡算得出每生产1t成品啤酒需耗水25.36t,年耗水量为5026608t;由耗冷量的计算得出每年耗冷9.5211010kJ。并且通过对设备的选型与计算得出需要112.4m3的糖化锅1个,924m3的圆筒体锥底发酵罐40个.另外还需要21圈,分为3组的换热管。 关键词:纯生啤酒;工艺设计;物料衡算;热量衡算;圆筒锥底发酵罐 Abstract As a taste of draft beer to drink wine more pure welcomed by consumers and its market demand has been increasing. In this paper, various disciplines learned in university is integrated for the technological design of beer fermentation process with annual output of 200,000 tons. According to the large number of domestic and foreign literature, 70 percent of the barley and 30 percent of the rice is identified as raw materials and taken it in batches fermentation by the following fermentation for 20 days the main fermentation 6 days, 14 days latter fermentation. Drawn from the material balance, 9410t rice,22000t barley and 4700t hops is needed yearly; drawn by the heat balance, annual consumption of steam is 9.87×107kg; drawn from the water balance, 25.36 tons beer is consumed for 1 ton, the consumption of total water is 5026608 tons per year; by the calculation of cold consumption , 9.521×1010 kJ of cold is needed yearly. Through the selection of equipment, we can deduce that a pot of glycosylated with 112.4m3, 40 Conical bottom cylindrical fermentation tanks with 924m3 needed and also need 21 circles, divided into 3 groups of tubes. Key Words:draft beer; process design; material cross-operator; heat cross-operator; Fermenter conical bottom cylinder 目录 1 前言 1 1.1 啤酒发酵方法简介 1 1.2 啤酒概述与发展史 2 1.3 纯生啤酒生产基本工艺介绍 6 1.4 啤酒的市场前景 8 2 啤酒发酵工艺设计 10 2.1 纯生啤酒的酿造基本要求 10 2.2 原料的选择 11 2.3 原料的制备 12 2.4 麦芽的糖化 13 2.5 麦芽汁的发酵 14 2.6 成熟纯生啤酒的过滤 15 2.7 无菌灌装 16 2.8 CIP系统 17 2.9 人员 18 2.10工艺流程图 18 3 物料衡算 20 3.1 啤酒糖化车间工艺流程示意图 20 3.2 啤酒生产基础数


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