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绝密★启用前2017-2018学年度额尔古纳一中学校4月英语模拟考试试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明一、完形填空“I just think a year ago, at 54 years of age, I couldn’t swim. I was terrified at the thought of going into the water. Now, I have just _____my 200 meters. It feels like a _____, and it is all thanks to Everyday Swim.”It’s never too late to learn swimming. Angela King, 55, is a perfect _____of it .For years, she had to _____sting on the side of a pool watching her family splash(拍水)around. Then in August 2016, the family went to an attraction they hadn’t _____for 15 years. Angela thought, “All this time, I still can’t _____. When I get back home tomorrow, I’m going to find out more about swimming _____.”In the cold light of day, she felt a little _____,but her husband David searched the Inter-net for swimming classes. He found Everyday Swim at the local Hadleigh pool and _____Angela to sign up. When she turned up for her first training, she says, “I felt a bit sick and_____but this soon passed. The instructor _____put me at ease, as did the other people in the class. They were all shapes and sizes, _____they were all feeling like me.” As the lessons _____she learned to become more _____in the water. At first, it was a simple _____of learning she wasn’t going to sink. Then during the third lesson, the Olympic gold medal winner Duncan Goodhew turned up to offer_____. “I couldn’t believe it. He held my hand and we all held hands in a circle and splashed under the water. What he did made me believe that I could _____it.When the 10 lessons for £100 offer finished at the pool, she _____to sign up for lessons. In fact, from initially(开始) being _____of the water, Angela was now becoming a regular swimmer and _____some certificates along the way.1.A. undertook B. won C. completed D. challenged2.A. dream B. game C. show D. suffer3.A. founder B. success C. example D. pioneer4.A. settle for B. give up C. turn in D. look out5.A. visited B. searche


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