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2012版英语高考专题辅导与训练精练精析(大纲版):专题强化测评(十七)完形填空、阅读理解(三) (限时50分钟) Ⅰ. 完形填空This is a story about five brothers who live in peace in a village. They are orphans and they live by running the rice field 1 from their parents. The rice field is far from their home, so they have to go to the field before sunrise. They have 2 to let the youngest brother stay at home to take care of their 3 . The youngest is very happy about the 4 . Every day when his elder brothers come home, they find the house clean, tidy and 5 . Foods and drinks have been 6 on the table, and their beds are 7 and all the dirty 8 have been washed. But one of the older brothers is 9 of the youngest, so he says to the other boys that the job of the 10 is too easy and that he should also go to the field. And the others agree to his suggestion. 11 now when they come home they find that their home is 12 , and that the table is 13 , they realize that their youngest brother has played a very important role, and they have underestimated his 14 to the home. 15 what can we get from this story? Never underestimate people who work behind the 16 , who is “useless” in your house. Maybe your grandpa or grandma who is 17 there every day; maybe the servant who seems lazy. Unconsciously we may say arrogantly (傲慢地) to these people, “You are18 ! ” If we really do this kind of thing, one day we will find that we have lost the best people in our life. Learn to see the importance of their presence, and imagine what would happen if they disappeared from your life. Each one of us is equipped with 19 talent and only 20 cooperation can we make the most of all our lives. 1.A.boughtB. inherited C. taken D. rented 2.A.agreedB. thought C. planned D. said 3.A.houseB. life C. cattle D. children 4.A.planB. job C. decision D. house 5.A.comfortableB. large C. empty D. warm 6.A.servedB.



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