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摘要众所周知,中国的用电紧张已经到了十分迫切的程度,据专家:如果从2000年开始的缺电计算,10年来电荒给国民经济的直接和间接损失已将近2万亿人民币。人们的生产劳动和生活都离不开电,特别是在中国用电需求量一直在激增的这样一个发展中国家,因此推广节能技术势在必行。照明开关与人民日常生活息息相关,特别在户外的电灯,常常由于没人负责整晚都开在那里,极大的浪费了电能。随着建设和谐社会步伐的不断推进,节能技术越来越受到电子技术领域的重视。公共场所和居民居住区的公共楼道普遍使用机械手动开关由于各种原因往往出现许多灯泡点亮长明的现象故使灯泡寿命短,浪费电量为国家、单位、个人造成经济损失。另外,由于频繁开关或其他人为因素,墙壁开关的损坏率很高,既增大了维修量、浪费了资金,又容易造成事故隐患。因此,设计研制一种电路新颖、安全节电、结构简单、安装方便的声光双控白炽灯节能自动开关显得相当有必要。使公共场所和居民居住区的公共楼道灯在白天时不亮,晚上闻声自亮,待人走后,几十秒后自动关闭,既方便,又省电。 以往的声控开关大多都是应用模拟电子技术进行设计,分立元件多,不可靠,如今单片机技术已经相当成熟,运用单片机可以设计出智能型的声控开关,电路设计好后,运用软件编程来实现其功能,灵活方便,修改简单。本文所设计的声光控开关电路就能充分满足节能的要求。 Abstract As we all know, power of China shortage has reached a level very urgent, according to experts predict: if calculating losses of the power shortage since 2000,approximately 10 years, Electricity Shortage to the national economy of the direct and indirect losses have been nearly 2 trillion yuan.Peoples productive labor and life are inseparable from power, especially in China,a developing country,which has been in surge demand in electricity,so it is imperative to promote energy-saving technologies. Light switches is associated with the people daily lives,especially in outdoor lighting,often because of nobodys responsibility,they are always open all night there,which result in a huge waste of energy.With the pace of building a harmonious society progresses,more and more attention is paid to energy-saving technology of electronic technology in the field of attention The mechanical hand switches are used widely in the public places and the residential areas. Bulbs for a variety of reasons to be many long-radio phenomenons.To the state,units and individuals.The short life of light bulbs and wasting of electricity,result in the wall switches is high.It not only increases maintenance load but also wastes money.It is easy to cause accident.Therefore,it is necessary to design a new automatic switch,a circuit design of new development,safe revenue and simple structure.Convenient installation of double-charged


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