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PAGE 家用轿车的合理驾驶与维护技术的研究 摘要:加入世界贸易组织后,中国汽车产量在9年内,世界排名从第8位跃至第1位。汽车保有量跃居世界前列,家用轿车是汽车行业的绝对主力军。家用轿车的合理驾驶事关交通安全,从大的方面来说关系到社会秩序的稳定,从小的方面来说关系到乘驾人员和行人的安全。因此,合理驾驶应从基本的环节做起,养成良好的乘驾习惯,对自己负责,也是对他人负责。随着家用轿车的快速发展,对家用轿车的维护就显得尤其重要,正确的轿车维护,不仅可以减少自己的经济负担,而且对延长轿车的寿命有很大帮助。针对自己平时在4S店的工作经历分别介绍了家用轿车4S店的定期保养、日常保以及汽车的美容等知识。然后又重点介绍了发动机的维护内容与技术及简易的故障诊断方法、空调维护技术及电器线路维护技术。最后简单的列举了常见的故障及故障的排除方法,这些方法即简单实用性又强。本文着重从以上几个方面介绍了有关家用轿车的相关内容。 关键词 :家用轿车 驾驶 维护技术 故障排除 The reasonable domestic car driving and maintenance technology research Abstract:Accession to the World Trade Organization, WTO, Chinese automobile production in nine years, from the first 8-bit jump to in the first place. Car ownership to the forefront of the world, home car is the absolute master products for the automotive industry. The reasonable domestic car driving is a matter of traffic safety, general relationship to social stability, from small terms related to driving personnel and the safety of pedestrians. Therefore, reasonable driving from basic links and develop good driving habits, responsible, but also to the others. With the rapid development of the domestic car, on the maintenance of the household car is especially important that the correct car maintenance, can reduce their financial burden, and to extend the life of the car. For himself in work experience covers domestic car 4S of periodic maintenance, daily guaranteed and auto beauty. And then focuses on the engines maintenance content and technology and easy troubleshooting method, air-conditioning maintenance technology and electrical line maintenance technology. Finally a simple lists common problems and methods, these methods is simple practicality and strong. This article focuses on several aspects from the above describes the domestic car at home and abroad. Key words:family cars ;drive ;maintenance technology ;fault resolution 第1章 家用轿车驾驶的合理驾驶 汽车工业已经成为我国国民经济的支柱产业,尤其是进入21世纪以来,汽车市场发生了“井喷”发展现象。在2003年我国汽车保有量已达 2350多万辆,预计今后我国汽车保有量将以平均每年16%以上的速度增长, 2010年,我国汽车保有量达了66


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