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摘 要 经过在一段时间的实习后,我所感悟的是工程造价这门专业在就业市场有着绝对的优势。建设工程造价,一般是指某项工程建设所花费的全部费用,即该建设项目有计划地进行固定资产再生产和形成相应的无形资产和铺底流动资金的一次性费用总和。它不仅与工程内容有关,还与建设地区的经济发展程度、建设者的管理和技术水平、国家和当地政府的政策等存在着联系。正确地编制工程造价对政府和业主的决策有着不可替代的作用随着我国综合国力逐年增强,经济发展速度加快,各地相继进入城市建设的高速期,项目建设规模日趋增大,工程投资在各地经济总额中占据比例加大,进而带动了各相关产业的发展。但是目前许多工程投资失控,概算超估算、预算超概算、结算超预算的“三超”现象普遍存在,严重困扰项目投资效益 Abstract After a period of time in the company after the internship, my perception is the construction cost of this profession in the job market has an absolute advantage. As Chinas overall national strength increased year by year, economic development accelerated, the construction around the city have access to high-speed period, increasing the scale of construction projects increases, the total project investment in the country occupies a proportion of the economy increased, and thus promote the development of various related industries. But now many engineering investment out of control, super-budget estimates, budget over budget, the settlement over the budget Three Excesses widespread, serious problems the project investment. The construction project cost, construction generally refers to the cost of a full cost the construction project is planned to carry out reproduction of fixed assets and intangible assets and the formation of the corresponding one-time cost of working capital combined. It is not only with the engineering content, but also with the construction of regional economic development level, builders management and technology, national and local government policy, there is a link. Proper preparation of project cost to the government and the owner of the decision-making play an irreplaceable role. Next Ill talk about the professional summary and some personal insights. Key words: construction cost, meaning, relationships, summarized 目 录 1 引言 1 2 工程造价的含义 1 2.1 不同的含义 1 2.2 工程造价的内涵 1 3 我国工程造价管理工作的现状 2 3.1 造价控制重施工轻设计 2 3.2 工程造价咨询机构不健全,工程咨询业发展还不成熟 3 3.3 工程造价缺乏竞争性 3 3.4 高素质的工程造价技术人才严重不足 3 4 我国工程造价管理工作的改革措施 3 4.1 不断加强工程造价信息工作 3


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