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Para 4 – 5 In front of Sleeping Beauty Castle, Kitty met many of her _______ ______ _________, such as ______ _________, _____ ______, _____ and_________ . She couldn’t stop _______ _______ with them. ____ ____ of _______ ________ was the best part of the day. The performers all wore _________ ________ and _____ to people while they _______ _______ the park, ______ and _______ all the way. The children ______ and ________ with joy when they saw______ ______ __________. After the parade, her parents and she ______ _____ ________ film. The film was like ________. favourite Disney characters Sleeping Beauty Snow White Alice Cinderella taking photos A parade Disney characters different costumes waved marched across singing dancing clapped screamed their favourite characters watched a three-D magic * * 8B Unit2 Reading One 去某地旅行 我去过那里许多次。 它一定有趣。 让我带你出去几天 我想随身携带一切 我如此兴奋。 快点 我认为它不是我的假期。 受欢迎的旅游景点 日本的一个象征 看美丽的风景 去远足/滑雪 go on a trip to …=have a trip to… I’ve been there many times. It must be fun. let me take you out for a few days I want to bring everything with me. I’m so excited. come on I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me. popular tourist attractions a symbol of Japan see the beautiful view go hiking/skiing Millie (去过日本很多次。) The Great tower is (这个地方的象征。) She is so (excite) now, because her mother (同意带她出去几天) just now. Many people _______________(认为) the Great Wall _____________________________________________(不是世界最受欢迎的旅游景点之一). The Greens ________________(去……旅行) Hainan in a week. They want to ___________________________(看日落美丽的风景) there. has been to Japan many times. the symbol of this place excited agreed to take her out for a few days don’t think is one of the world’s most popular tourist attractions will go on a trip t


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