高中英语:Unit 2 Healthy eating Warming-up vocabulary(新人教必修3)推荐.doc

高中英语:Unit 2 Healthy eating Warming-up vocabulary(新人教必修3)推荐.doc

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高一英语同步练习: 必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating 第1课时 Warming-up vocabulary 基础练习 本单元重点词汇呈现 _______________ vt. 平衡;n 天平,平衡 _______________ vi变细,减肥adj苗条的 _______________n羊肉 ________________v.aux应该,应当 ________________n.好奇心 ________________n.日常饮食vi节食 ________________n.蘑菇 ________________vtvi油煎,油炸 ________________vt.n限制,限定 ________________n利益,好处v受益 _______________ n.醋 __________________ v.联合,结合 _________________n.强项,力量 __________________adj生的,未加工的 _________________n.v消化,摘要 __________________n.胸部 _________________n.折扣 __________________n.顾客,消费者 _________________adj.有毒的 __________________nv叹息,叹气 本单元重点短语: _____________ 平衡膳食 _______________ 应该,应当 _______________体重减轻,减肥 ________________被放过,不受惩罚 ________________说谎 ________________谋生 ________________欠债 ________________削减,删节 ________________不久以后 ________________增加体重 _______________ 暗中监视,侦察 __________________从……获益 _________________在回家的路上 __________________即使,尽管 _________________赢回 __________________与某人结婚 __________________把…和…合并 __________________建议某人做某事 _________________按照,依照 实战演练 一.用下列单词或词组的适当形式填空。 diet, consult , benefit , lose weight , get away with , in debt , win back , balance , discount earn one’s living , cut down , tell lies 1. I don’t want any cake . I’m trying to_________. 2.If I cheat in the examination , do you think I might _______ it ? 3.She lost her ________ and fell off the desk . 4.It is of great ________ to everyone . 5.If you don’t know the word , _________ a dictionary . 6.At the age of twelve , he began to ____________. 7. They are trying to _______ their customers . 8.His business failed , and he is heavily ___________ now . 9.The doctors have told my father to ________ smoking and drinking . 10.Proper ________ and exercise are both important to our health . 11.If you buy now , we’ll offer a 10% _________. 12. Don’t believe him . He often __________. 二. 词义匹配 1.hostess A . a type of plant with large purple fruit that is eaten as a



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