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密 级 单位代码 10151 分类号 U D C 中外运物流发展战略研究 邹晓坤 教授 杨赞 指导教师 学位授予单位 大连海事大学 申请学位级别 硕士 学科与专业 交通运输规划与管理 2006年10月 2006年9月 论文答辩日期 论文完成日期 答辩委员会主席 The Research on the Logistic Development Strategy of SINOTRANS Abstract Being advanced organization model and management technology, modem logistics is regarded as the 3rd profit source in addition to decreasing material consumption and increasing productivity and it is a trans-sectored, trans-departmental, trans-regional and even transnational systems engineering. To be compatible with the strategy of transforming from global carrier into global logistics operator proposed by SINOTRANS, aiming at accelerating the development of SINOTRANS logistics, the dissertation first introduces the present situation of international shipping industry and SINOTRANS shipping industry, the history and development trend of logistics, and analyzes the present international logistics market by extending the systematic theory into shipping companies. Based on the present situation of logistics service in SINOTRANS, the (fissertation then discusses the orientation and implementation of SINOTRANS modem logistics service strategies, and puts forward tiie models and methods on development strategy for enterprises. Through the comparison and assessment, we can conclude that it is a wise choice for SINOTRANS to forge strategic alliance with related parties during the process of transforming from a single shipping company into an internationalized logistics enterprise, which on the one hand can help SINOTRANS save some cost for the development and reduce the pressure from market, and on the other hand can prevent the company from big risk wdiile it is extending its scope rapidly. Combining closely with the work experience, absorbing advanced modem logistics theory and taking the development experience of the world advanced logistics enterprises as reference, the author carries out the quality and quantity research on the SINOTRANS logistics. Key


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