红木贸易与正在消失的红木林(Rosewood trade and disappearing redwood forests)[精品].doc

红木贸易与正在消失的红木林(Rosewood trade and disappearing redwood forests)[精品].doc

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红木贸易与正在消失的红木林(Rosewood trade and disappearing redwood forests)[精品]

红木贸易与正在消失的红木林(Rosewood trade and disappearing redwood forests) Rosewood trade and disappearing redwood forests Michael peel reports from the Financial Times Exploration of Malone? Somsak (Thamarong Somsak) used to work in a printing factory, but he has been longing for outdoor work. The Malone hometown is located in the southeast of Bangkok Province, where dense forests in the forest, he had grown up in the arms of nature has always attracted him. Finally, one day, tired of printing jobs, he came to the Thap Lan national Forest Park near the border between Thailand and Kampuchea. He found a job there for Rangers, even though the salary was only half the original - his original monthly salary was $500. The 35 year old Luang thamrong who wore Buddhist amulets, nicknamed Chet (Chate). He said: since I was a little boy, nature has always been a part of my life.. Ive been dreaming that Ill be here some day. The Ranger probe Malone? Somsak (Thamarong Somsak) If Chet and his colleagues around the shocking reality is around, it would be a lovely story. Chet was standing in a left loggers, now abandoned sawmill, the ground was littered with wood and plastic fuel tank. The cutter left a stump and a pile of scraps. The surface is brown wood looks unremarkable, but the deep red heart leaked the identity of its mahogany. Annatto is a kind of valuable timber, and people have to acquire it at any cost to satisfy the thirst of the new Chinese consumers. The number of stump Chet rings, lamented: this tree is at least one hundred years old. Illegal cross-border trade is rampant in Kampuchea and the more inland areas, and to protect against such trade, the special forest protection team will deep into the forest. The Thap Lan reserve is far away from Thailands beaches, temples and other tourist attractions, where the chances of meeting a tiger are much greater than those of a holiday resort. Although the Rangers (and loggers) has been split in the forest a few trails, but the vast maj


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