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28 1 2011 1 : 1006- 9348( 2011) 01- 0307- 04 1 1 2 1 俞集辉 , 刘金强 , 郑 可, 付志红 ( 1. , 400044; 2. , 401123) : , , , , , , , , M atlab , , , : ; ; ; : TM933. 3 : A Analysis forHarmonicActive PowerMeasurement with Non- integer Period Sampling in Time- frequencyDomain 1 1 2 1 YU Ji- hui, IU Jin- qiang, ZHENG Ke, FU Zhi- hong ( 1. State Key aboratory of PowerTransm ission Equ ipm ent System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, Ch ina; 2. aboratory For the Perform ance Assessm ent of ElectricalM etering Devices State Grid Corporation, Chongq ing 401123, Ch ina) ABSTRA T: Non- linear load in pow er system has brought a great deal of power system harm on ics, and harmon ic energym easurem ent gets a grow ing concern. Conventional calcu lation formu las of active pow er are only su itable to be used in interger- period sam pling signals, and it is not fit to non- interger- period sam pling signals. Begun w ith the basic definitions of active power, the effect caused by the sam e frequency and different frequency voltage and current harmon ic singals due to frequencyw indage of non- interger- period sam pling signals to the active pow erm easurem ent is studied, and develop calcu lation form ulas of the active pow er and their errors in tmi e dom ain for various harmon ic signals. To m easure fundam ental frequency pow er and harm onic pow er separately and exactly, active pow er theory and d iscrete Fourier algorithm are com binated to develop cal


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