我国文化企业跨国并购案例分析 ——万达并购A MC精选.doc

我国文化企业跨国并购案例分析 ——万达并购A MC精选.doc

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我国文化企业跨国并购案例分析 ——万达并购A MC精选

我国文化企业跨国并购案例分析 ——万达并购A MC 陕西学前师范学院学报 Journal of Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University June.2O16 Vo1.32 No.6 一区域经济社会发展研究 我国文化企业跨国并购案例分析 万达并购AMC 邵春燕 ,刘晓燕 ,曹梦露 (1.山东财经大学会计学院,山东济南 250014;2.山东财经大学燕山学院,山东济南 250014) 摘 要:近年来,随着经济全球化的不断推进,文化已经成为各国合作与竞争中不可忽略的方面,文化企业发展也被提到国家 战略高度。并购成为近年来文化企业发展的主题,不论是国有报业集团,还是民营影视企业,都在积极进行资本运作。与此 同时,文化产业领域的跨国并购数量也在持续增加。以文化企业现阶段的发展背景为起点,对万达集团并购美国AMC公司 的收益和启示进行分析,并针对该案例的问题进行讨论与思考,从而为以后文化企业能够成功进行跨国并购提供参考。 关键词:文化企业;跨国并购;万达集团;AMC公司 中图分类号:F831.6 文献标识码:#990099A 文章编号:2095~770X(2016)06一OO5O一04 PDF获取:http://sxxqsfxy,~ourna1.cn/ch/index.aspx doi:10.1l995/j.issn.2095—770X.2016.06.012 Case Analysis of Chinese Cultural Enterprises’Cross—border M & #990099A — W anda M amp; #990099A AM C SHAO Chun—yan 一.LIUXiao—yan ,CAOMeng—lu (1.School of Accountancy,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014,China; 2.Yanshan College of Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014,China) Abstract:In recent years,with the advancement of economic globalization,culture has become the non-negligible aspect in cooperation and competition among countries.The development of cultural enterprises is also mentioned tO the height of the national strategy.Mamp;#990099A has become the subject of cultural enterprises’development in recent years.Whether state-owned newspaper groups,or private film enterprises,are al1 operate capital actively.At the same time。the number of cross—border M amp;#990099A continues to increase in the field of cultural industry. This paper takes the developmental background of cultural enterprises at the present stage as the starting point,and then analyses the benefits and enlightenment of the Wanda Group Mamp;#990099A AMC company of the United States.finally gives some discussion and thinking about the problem of this case.in order tO provide #990099a powerful reference for the following cultural enterprises to succeed in CROSS—border Mamp;#990099A. Key words:Cultural enterprises;Cross—border Mamp;#990099A;Wan



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