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康健医药公司绩效考核体系的研究与改进 工商管理硕士 硕士生:张峻琦 指导老师:吴能全教授 摘 要 绩效管理是企业经营管理重要的前提和基础,也是企业经营成败的关键因素之一。绩效考核的指标、办法、手段随着企业所处的环境、时代的变化而变化,如何科学地设置企业经营绩效考评指标,建立绩效管理系统,日益受到人们的关注。对于一个组织而言,完善的绩效管理有助于实现组织和员工的双赢。 在西方发达国家,绩效管理的研究相当成熟,在实践上也做过许多探讨。但是,在国内真正建立绩效管理体系的公司为数不多。 本文从绩效管理的基本理论入手,对广东康健公司在企业转制后所碰到员工的工作效率低下、积极性不高等问题,从企业绩效管理的角度,进行分析,发现问题,提出基于360度考评和MBO导向的绩效管理体系的新的设计方案。方案根据绩效计划、绩效实施、绩效考核、绩效反馈与面谈以及绩效结果的应用这五个步骤在康健公司建立了新的绩效管理系统;最后对设计和实施新绩效管理体系的过程中出现的一些问题进行分析和讨论。 关键词:医药公司 绩效管理 360度考评 A Study and Design in Kangjian Pharmaceutical Company Performance Management MBA Name: JUNQI ZHANG Supervisor: NENGQUAN WU ABSTRACT Performance management is premises and very important basic of an enterprise management and administration. It’s also the key factor of administration success. The index and method of performance management change as the times changes. How to set up the index of the enterprise performance management and build a reasonable appraisement system to achieve the enterprise target, which is becoming more and more cared by people. A perfect performance management system will help to achieve the win-win situation of employee and employer. In developed country, the study of the performance management is quite mature, and there are many discusses in practice. But in China, only a few companies builded up the performance management system. The article starts with the basic theory of performance management. According to analyzing the original performance management of the Kangjian Company, finding the problems, and advancing the design of performance management base on the 360 degrees feedback and MBO. The system include the planning, implement, appraisal, feedback and application. During the design and implement of the new performance management, some problems are found. So these problems are discussed in the end. Key Words: Pharmaceutical Company Performance Management 360 Degrees Feedback 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 目 录 Ⅲ 图表目录 Ⅴ 第1章 导 论 1 1.1 选题的背景与意义 1 1.2 研究范围与论文结构 2 第2章 绩效管理的理论研究


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