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Cloisonné By Zach The history of “inlaying” colorful materials onto a metal base, and securing their position with soldered wire dates back to 1800 BC, in Egypt. During the 13th century BC in ancient Greece, powdered glass was used to fill cavities (aka “cells”) made by filigree soldered wire, then fired to produce colorful decorative objects. Background The art of Chinese fired-enamelware dates back as far as the Yuan Dynasty (1271 to 1368), but was popularized during the XuanDe period (1426 to 1435). The XuanDe period coincides with the reign of Ming Dynasty Emperor Zhu Qiyu, who was also known as the Jingtai Emperor (1449 to 1457). This is where Cloisonné pins are derived! Cloisonné is a famous traditional enamel ware, known as the “Blue of Jingtai”in China, with a history of over 500 years. It was so called “blue was the typical color used for enameling and “Jingtai” was the reign title of the 7th Ming Emperor. History LOGO Enamel ware became very popular?during the?Emperor’s?reign. There?is?a?great variety?of?products,?such?as?vase,?jar,?bowl,?plate,?box?and?ash-tray.? They?are?brilliant?in?colors?and?splendid?in?design.??Cloisonné?is?one?of?the?famous?arts?and?crafts?of?Beijing. Cloisonné-Making ?The?making?of?cloisonné?requires?rather?elaborate?and?complicated? ?processes;?base-hammering,?copper-strip?inlay,?soldering,? enamel-filling,?enamel-firing, polishing?and?gilding.?The?products?are?featured?by?excellent?quality.? The?skill?and?workmanship?have been?handed?down?from?the?Ming?Dynasty.?Quite?a?number?of?new?varieties?have?been?created.?it?enjoys?a?high?reputation?both?at home?and?abroad.?They?are?mostly?for?export.? Procedure 1. Base-hammering This is, in fact, the work of a coppersmith. As copper is easily hammered and stretched, it is employed to make the body of Cloisonné. A sound judgment is required because this expertise determines the uniformity of thickness and weight. In contrast to the work of a coppersmith which


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