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《新编英语语法教程》PPT之Word版 限定词以及冠词&代词 (Lecture 5) 限定词(Determiner): 限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指(Specific Reference) 、类指(Generic Reference)以及表示确定数量(Definite Quantity)和非确定数量(Indefinite Quantity)等限定作用的词类。(Page 83) 英语的限定词包括: 定冠词(Definite Article)、不定冠词(Indefinite Article)、 零冠词(Zero Article) 物主限定词(Possessive Determiner):my, your… 名词属格(Genitive Noun):John’s, my friend’s 指示限定词(Demonstrative Determiner):this , those, such … 限定词与三类名词的搭配关系: 限定词的选择决定于随后的名词的类别,是单数名词,复数名词,还是不可数名词。(Page 87) 1)能与三类名词(即单数名词、复数名词、不可数名词)搭配的限定词: the, some, any, no, other, whose,my, your, John’s, my friend’s … 2) 只能与单数名词搭配的限定词:a(n), one, another, each, every, either, neither, many a, such as … 3)只能与复数名词搭配的限定词:Both, two, three, another two/three, many, (a) few, several, these, those, a (great) number of… 4) 只能与不可数名词搭配的限定词:a (little) bit of, a large amount of, a great deal of, (a) little, much, less, (the) least … 5) 能与单、复数名次搭配的限定词:the first, the second, the last, the next … 6)能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词:this, that … 7)能与复数名词和不可数名次搭配的限定词:a lot of, lots of, plenty of, enough, more, most, such, other … 2、限定词与限定词的搭配关系 限定词与限定词之间还存在着一定的搭配关系。在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词出现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题。按其不同的搭配位置,限定词可分为(92): 中位(Central Determiner)、前位(Predeterminer)、后位限定词(Postdeterminer)。 1)a)中位限定词包括:a(n), the, zero; this, that, these, those; my, your等;my friend’s; some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, enough; what(ever), which(ever), whose 等。 b)前位限定词包括:all, both, half; double, twice, three times 等;one-third, two-fifths 等;what, such (a/an)等。 c)后位限定词包括:one, two, three 等;first, second, third 等;next, last, other, another 等;many, much, (a) few, (a) little, fewer, (the) fewest, less, (the) least, more, most; several, such 等。此外还有plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a great number of, a great deal of, a great/good many, a large amount of, a great quantity of 等,其含义相当于many/much, 在理论上也应归入后位限定词,当然在用法上与其它后位限定词还是有一些区别的,比如下面这样的句子: ~1~ A lot of these houses round here have glass in the front door. 2)三类限定词的搭配关系 如果一个名词词组带有上述三类限定词,其搭配关系总是按照


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