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摘  要 电阻炉是一个特性参数随炉温变化而变化的被控对象,炉温控制具有升温单向性、大惯性、大滞后和时变性的特点。这类电阻炉对象特性的数学模型及参数不易精确确定,应用现代控制理论往往达不到满意的控制效果。针对这种情况则运用模糊理论在模型未知的情况下,根据被控温度的偏差大小,选取适当的控制算法进行自动调节,使炉温达到给定值。 为了提高系统的自适应能力和抗干扰能力,本文通过对SK电阻炉的特性分析,利用模糊控制算法,采用模糊控制器控制电阻炉的温度,建立了模糊推理规则,提出一种自调整模糊控制算法。介绍了以8098单片机为核心的炉温模糊控制系统的硬件和软件的设计原理。详细阐述了模糊控制算法、模糊控制原理以及模糊控制器结构原理和设计方法。具体介绍了温度检测电路、8279键盘/显示器、存贮器、掉电检测与保护、双向晶闸管过零检测与触发、声光报警与自动/手动等硬件电路组成。最后,利用Matlab仿真软件,在MATLAB中的模糊逻辑工具箱和Simulink基础上,对模糊控制进行仿真实验。实验结果表明,该控制具有鲁棒性强、动静态性能好和适应能力强等优点。 Abstract Resistance is a furnace with the parameters of temperature changes and changes in the plant, temperature control is warming up a one-way, the inertia, the lag, time-varying characteristics. Such resistance furnace object of mathematical models and parameters difficult to determine precisely, the application of modern control theory often donot amount to the satisfied control results. In light of this situation is fuzzy theory in the case of model unknown, was charged with temperature deviations in accordance with the size, select the appropriate algorithm for automatic adjustment so that the temperature reached a given value. In order to improve the adaptive capacity and anti-jamming capabilities, in this paper, Analysising the characteristics of SK resistance furnace, a fuzzy controller control the temperature of resistance furnace, Using a fuzzy inference rules, establish a self-adjusting fuzzy control algorithms. Introduced to the 8098 microcontroller as the core,temperature of fuzzy control system hardware and software design principles. Elaborate on the fuzzy control algorithms, fuzzy control theory and fuzzy controller design principle and structure. Introduced a specific temperature detection circuit, 8279 keyboard / display, memory, brownout detection and protection, BTA zero detection and trigger sound and light alarm and automatic / manual, and other hardware components. At last, the use of MATLAB simulation software and MATLAB in the toolbox and Simulink fuzzy logic, based on the f


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