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第一套(一)“冰火之国”之美称的冰岛,对大多数探险爱好者来说是一个理想之地,令人神往;在冰岛居民大量集中的南部海岸附近,80%的火山岛与冰河、湖泊、山洞熔岩混在一起,形成无数地热温泉,是真正的冰火一般的体验。Iceland is one of the most volcanically active nations in the world, and there are a number of hot springs around the island. One of Iceland’s most popular hot springs is the Blue Lagoon, a huge lake of bright blue seawater just outside Reykjavik. Surrounded by volcanoes, the Blue Lagoon receives more than 300,000 visitors a year.Most of the inner part of Iceland is accessible only by truck or other vehicle. Nevertheless, there is a range of outdoor activities to enjoy along the coasts. One of Iceland’s most popular attractions is caving. Exploring Iceland’s unusual lava caves, most of which formed more than 10,000 years ago, requires only basic caving knowledge and equipment. Ice caves, however, are more challenging and require special clothes and hiking tools.?? The best-known ice caves are in Vatanajokull.According to the text, the ice caves in Iceland______________.?A. formed 1,000 years ago?B. are situated in the inner part?C. attracted over 300,000 visitors a year?D. are more difficult to explore than lava caves(二)面对市场上鱼龙混杂的电脑游戏软件,家长们要做好和熊孩子们斗智斗勇的准备。如果能有外力介入,比如说政府对市场的监管,理应是好事一件,但令人惊讶的是,美国的最高法院近日推翻了2010年加利福尼亚的法律:阻止向18岁及以下的青少年租售暴力游戏。对此,一些家长却拍手称快! 为什么?With so many video and computer games easily reached, that monitoring role isn’t easy. It is not just a matter of saying “no” to children, say psychologists. Some parents who shun government involvement in such matters welcome the ruling(裁决), even while hating violent video games. “It’s a parent’s responsibility to teach them what they should watch and use,” said Ruth Forster, 45. Her daughter, Ellie, 13, doesn’t like to play video games now, but Forster monitors her daughter’s movies and books. … The underlined word “shun” in the third paragraph probably means “________”.A. oppose B. doubt C. favor D. understand(三)丛林之旅充满了惊险和刺激!是我们想去又不敢去的地方,但是你能想到有人竟然一而再再而三地进入丛林去追踪孟加拉虎吗?究竟是什么在吸引着他?让我们



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