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八个认知改善你的生活 They say life is what we make of it. By the end of this post, I hope to have helped you decide whether that statement is true or not. 他们说生活是由你自己创造的。看到帖子末尾的时候,我希望这邮件已帮助你判断这种说法是对是错。 There is no doubt that life has its ups and downs. However, how we deal with them can sometimes make all the difference. Today I want to share eight harsh truths that Ive come to learn from life. Theres also a message in each that I think we can all learn from, and when applied, will improve our lives?infinitely. 毫无疑问,生活有起有伏。然而,有时候我们处理问题的方式能让事情变得完全不一样。今天我想和大家分享我从生活中学到的八项严峻的事实。我认为我们都可以从每项事实里学到一点东西,如果我们应用它,它将无限的改善我们的生活。 Some of these lessons may be old-hat for you. If so, look for ways to refine the idea to ensure your getting the most out of it. On the other hand, you may completely disagree with an idea or two and thats great! Let us know your thoughts so we can all learn from each other. 在这些经验中,有些对你来说可能已经过时了。如果是这样的话,那就想办法提炼那些观点,保证你可以从这些观点中获得最多的好处。另一方面,你可能完全赞同其中的一两个观点,那就太好了!让我们知道你的想法,这样我们才能相互学习。 ? 1. Friends Come and Go When I was in high school, I always imagined spending most of my life with the same people. Then when I realized I had to move to college, that all changed. Once again, I made some close college friends but left them all behind when I moved from the UK to South Africa. Friends will always come and go in your life; even though Im back in the UK now, all my friends are in university around the country and not exactly in meeting distance. It can be a hard thing to accept, but many of the friends you spend time with now, might not be around in the next few years. Important Lesson: There are an?abundance?of amazing people out there for you to meet and build relationships with. If you dont have many friends, dont stress, there are literally billions of friendship possibilities. 2. You Wont Always Get What You Want I remember one Christmas when the only thing I had asked for was some second hand?turntables?for DJing. I didnt ask for anything else so I was pretty sure I


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