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BASIC PRINCIPLES IN OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE 职业卫生基本原则 Day 3 第3天 12 - BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS 12-生物危害 BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS 生物危害 Biological Hazards - bacteria, viruses or moulds have the ability in the right conditions to rapidly replicate themselves. 生物危害—细菌、病毒或霉菌在适当的条件均能够快速复制自己。 Focus on control is not only avoidance of contact with the agent but also on ensuring that conditions favourable for growth of the organism are prevented. 加强控制不仅能够避免与生物因素的接 触,还能够抑制微生物生长的有利条件。 BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS 生物危害 The three main categories of biological agents: 生物危害可分为三大类: Bacteria - single celled micro organisms that live in soil, water and air. 细菌——单细胞微生物,生活在土壤、水和空气中。 Viruses – tiny parasitic organisms that can only reproduce within living cells. 病毒——微小的寄生生物,只能在活细胞体内繁殖。 Fungi – simple plants lacking chlorophyll and normal plant structures (e.g. leaves, stems etc). 真菌——简单的植物,没有叶绿素和植物正常结构(如叶,茎等)。 Dividing Escherichia coli bacteria 大肠杆菌细菌 Source: Wikimedia Commons 资料来源:维基共享资源 Exposure to micro-organisms 微生物的风险 Individual to exposure to micro-organisms depends on state of immunity: 微生物对个人的影响取决于个人的免疫能力: whether the individual has already experienced a particular illness 个人是否已患过相关疾病; immunisation levels 免疫程度 individual resistance 个人抵抗力 Fatigue 身体疲劳状态 age. 年龄 Legionella pneumophila multiplying inside a cultured human lung fibroblast 嗜肺军团菌在人肺纤维细胞中繁殖 Source: Wikimedia Commons 资料来源:维基共享资源 CONTROL DEPENDANT ON RISK GROUP 微生物的危害等级 Risk Group 1 - (low individual and community risk). An organism that is unlikely to cause human or animal disease. 危害等级1—— (低个体危害,低群体危害) :不会导致人类和动物生病的有机体。 Risk Group 2 - (moderate individual risk, limited community risk). A pathogen that may cause human or animal disease and which might be a hazard to laboratory workers, but is unlikely to spread to the community, livestock or the environment. 危害等级2—— (中等个体危害,有限群体危害) :可能会导致人类和动物生病,对实验室工作人员产生危险,但不可能在群体、家畜或环境中传播的病原体。 Risk Group 3 - (high individual risk, low community risk). A pathogen that can cause


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