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解除劳动合同协议(中英文版) XXXXXX(XX)有限公司 地址: XXXXXXXXXXXXX 电话: XX-XXXX 传真: XXX-XXXXX. 解除劳动合同协议 企业名称(甲方): 职工姓名(乙方): 甲乙双方于2002年11月28日订立了为期3年的劳动合同,现经乙方提出,并双方协商一致,同意解除劳动合同,并达成如下协议: 1、 甲乙双方从签订本协议起,原劳动合同即行解除,甲乙双 方根据规定办理相关手续; 2、 甲方同意给予乙方解除劳动合同经济补偿金7000元; 3、 甲乙双方同意原劳动合同解除后不再提出或威胁提出针对 对方的任何劳动仲裁、诉讼或索赔请求; 4、 本协议自双方签字之日起生效; 5、 本协议一式二份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 6、 本协议以中英文书就,如中英文版本之间存在任何差异,以中 文版本为准. 7. 本协议按中国法律解释, 受中国法律管辖. 甲方代表(签字): 日期: 乙方(签字): 日期: Rm 2801, Tai#39;an Bldg., No 38-2 Minzu Ave., Nanning, Guangxi 530022, PRC Tel: +86 771 588 7355 Fax: +86 771 588 7266 XXXXXX(XX)有限公司 地址: XXXXXXXXXXXXX 电话: XX-XXXX 传真: XXX-XXXXX. Agreement to Terminate the Labor Contract Name of Employer(Party A):Name of Employee(Party B): Party A and Party B entered into a 3-year Labor Contract on 28 November 2002. Upon Party B’s request, after mutual negotiations, both parties have agreed to terminate the Labor Contract and therefore reached the following agreement: 1、 Upon signing of this agreement, the previous labor contract is immediately terminated. Both parties shall proceed with work hand-over accordingly in line with company’s policies; 2、 Party A agree to pay Party B a lump sum of RMB7000 as compensation for termination of the labor contract; 3、 Upon terminating the labor contract, either of the parties shall not make or threaten to make any claims or take labor arbitration or litigation against the other party; 4、 This agreement shall come into effect upon signing by both parties; 5、 This agreement is made in two originals, and each party holds one of these. The two originals have the same legal effect; 6、 This agreement is made in both Chinese and English. If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail; 7. This agreement shall be construed in accordance wi


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