复件 2013长沙大会.pptx

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复件 2013长沙大会.pptx

乳腺癌,从新辅助治疗到辅助治疗- 存在的问题,解决的方法与未来;Neoadjuvant of treatment for breast cancer;The first generation of neoadjuvant clinical trials - NSABP 18 ;The second generation of neoadjuvant clinical trials - NSABP 27;NSABP-B18/27 Neoadjuvant vs adjuvant “AC”;CONTENTS;含赫赛汀?新辅助治疗方案均获得显著pCR;Meta分析显示:含赫赛汀?治疗患者获得pCR的显著增加;5项RCT新辅助研究的总体疗效情况;手术完成后的辅助治疗;HER2-阳性局部晚期乳腺癌 (IHC 3+ and / 或 FISH+);中位随访3年 a未校正HR=0.59, p=0.013 HR, 风险比; CI, 可信区间; CT, 化疗;中位随访3年;Meta分析:赫赛汀?联合化疗的新辅助治疗研究;CONTENTS;;Part Ⅰ:Proposal for the standard characterisation of the population to treat;Subtypes by IHC -ASCO/CAP guidelines;Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study datas;All patients 6377;OS analysis by pCR;;Subtypes;Subtypes;个案处理摘要;Luminal A患者;ClinicalTrial.gov网站显示全球目前正在进行中的总共有15项乳腺癌新辅助化疗的III期临床试验 其中有7项是基于分子分型的试验,受试对象为三阴性乳腺癌或HER2阳性乳腺癌 未进行分子分型的试验8项,其中5项新药试验,3项寻求验证新的分子标志物的指导意义的试验,1项研究双膦酸盐疗效的试验 已经没有正在进行中的非基于分子分型的标准化疗的乳腺癌新辅助化疗临床试验;CONTENTS;;Part Ⅱ: Proposal for Use of the functional and molecular imagine as endpoint?;Part Ⅱ: Proposal for Use of the functional and molecular imagine as endpoint?;; Characteristics of patients;ROC curves of different subtypes;Part Ⅱ: Proposal for Use of the functional and molecular imagine as endpoint? In our study-conclusions;CONTENTS;; PCR; PCR;pCR是不是生存的预后因子 新辅助化疗研究;;Untch M, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2011 Jul 25. [Epub ahead of print];;CONTENTS;Part Ⅲ :Evaluation of the response to treatment 2, Ki-67;Part Ⅲ :Evaluation of the response to treatment 3 , Preoperative Endocrine Prognostic Index(PEPI);Part Ⅲ :Evaluation of the response to treatment PEPI scoring system;Part Ⅳ:Standard definition of survival endpoint? - is lacking;;;



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