基于Matlab的车牌定位系统的研究与设计毕业设计 华南农业大学.docVIP

基于Matlab的车牌定位系统的研究与设计毕业设计 华南农业大学.doc

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基于Matlab的车牌定位系统的研究与设计毕业设计 华南农业大学

本科毕业 摘    要 随着我国城市急速发展,交通管理成了一个非常热门的话题,由于交通管理需求日益提高,对交通管理和控制提出了更高的要求。在智能化交通系统中车牌识别技术(License Plate Recognition,LPR) 。radon函数对图像进行倾斜检测和校正,再通过灰度化和边缘检测处理之后就可以进行数学形态学处理,最后就是车牌区域的提取。字符分割部分采用的是投影法,分析垂直投影的像素点直方图,利用每个字符的波谷、波峰和车牌的定制标准来划分每一个字符。利用MATLAB强大的图像处理能力,通过编写程序,对车辆图像进行统计分析,实现了这两个部分的功能。 车牌定位算法的关键是选用合适的结构元素,对车牌图像进行数学形态学开、闭运算来去除干扰因素、消除噪音和无用信息,简单直观,受环境干扰少。经过实验证明,本文提出车牌定位算法和字符分割方法均能达到良好的效果。 关键词:车牌定位  字符分割  数学形态学  投影法 Research?On?License?Plate?Location?System Zhou Rujie (College of Engineering, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642,China) Abstract: With the rapid development of our country city, traffic management has become a very hot topic, due to traffic management and increasing demand, put forward higher request to the traffic management and control. The traffic management system in intelligent, license plate recognition technology (License Plate Recognition, LPR) is an important technology of vehicle identification and monitoring, play a very important role in the city vehicle management. License plate recognition technology is widely used in road illegal vehicle monitoring, parking management, vehicle safety management. License plate recognition software system is divided into three parts: license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition. This paper makes research and discusses the algorithm of license plate location and character segmentation method, according to the characteristic of license plate of a vehicle license plate location and character segmentation of simple algorithm is proposed. License plate location part uses the method of mathematical morphology, is realized by the following steps: first use the radon function to skew detection and correction of the image, and mathematical morphology processing by gray and edge detection, then can be carried out, finally is the extraction of license plate region. Character segmentation is made using projection method, analysis of pixel vertical projection histogram, with e


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