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年产350 万吨良坯 全连铸转炉炼钢车间设计 摘 要 以高炉铁水为原料的转炉炼钢工艺是当前较为普遍的炼钢工艺。现代转炉炼钢要 求采用大型、连续、高效的设备及先进的生产工艺,要求布局合理、管理先进、节约 能耗、减少污染、降低投资成本,其基本工艺是:铁水与处理、转炉炼钢、炉外精 炼、连铸。 本设计的主要任务是设计一座年产350 万吨良坯的全连铸转炉炼钢车间,建有2 座公称容量180 吨的氧气顶吹转炉,采用“二吹二”制。同时建有2 台方坯连铸机,2 座LF 精炼炉。根据任务书中Q235A 碳素钢的品种需要,选择LF 炉外精炼手段。 本设计主要内容有:物料平衡和热平衡的计算、转炉炉型及氧枪的设计、转炉炼钢 车间设计及计算、连铸设备的选型及计算、炉外精炼设备的选型与工艺布置、炼钢车间 烟气净化系统的选择等。最终编写一份设计说明书,绘制三份图纸,分别是转炉炉型图、 车间平面图及剖面图。 关键词:转炉炼钢,基本工艺,炉外精炼,全连铸,设计 I Abstract The blast furnace steelmaking process with blast furnace hot metal as raw material is the most common steelmaking process. Modern converter steelmaking requires large, continuous and efficient equipment and advanced production technology, requiring reasonable layout, advanced management, energy saving, reduce pollution and reduce investment costs, the basic process is: hot metal and processing, converter steelmaking, furnace refining, continuous casting. The main task of this design is to design an annual output of 3.5 million tons of billet of the whole casting furnace steelmaking workshop, built two nominal capacity of 180 tons of oxygen top blown converter, the use of two blowing two system. At the same time there are two billet caster, two LF refining furnace. According to the task book Q235A carbon steel varieties need, choose LF furnace refining means. The main contents of this design are: material balance and heat balance calculation, converter furnace and oxygen lance design, converter steelmaking workshop design and calculation, continuous casting equipment selection and calculation, furnace refining equipment selection and process layout, Steel plant flue gas purification system selec


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