(冀教新版)四年级英语上册课件 Lesson20 at the shop.pptVIP

(冀教新版)四年级英语上册课件 Lesson20 at the shop.ppt

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(冀教新版)四年级英语上册课件 Lesson20 at the shop

Clothes shop Book shop Toy shop Tea shop What do Jenny and Danny want to do? Lesson 20 At the Shop 1.我能听懂,会说,认读并拼读下列单词:want, to, buy, way 2.我能朗读并运用下列句型: May?I?help?you?? Where?are?the?…?? This?way?,please. ?Here??they?are. 本课我要做到: 3.我会自编并表演购物对话。 Let’s play a game 让我们帮这些商品找找它们的家在哪里? 售货员说了什么? May I help you? I’ll show you. This way ,please. Here they are! Yes ,please. I want to buy ___. Where are the ____? 顾客说了什么? 任务一:朗读句子我最棒! 1. May I help you? 2. I want to buy a dress. 3. Where are the dresses? 4. I’ll show you. 5. This way, please. 6. Here they are! 任务二:听录音跟读课文,回答问题 1.Where are Jenny and Danny? 2.What does Jenny want to buy? 3.What does Danny want to buy? They are at the clothes shop. She wants to buy a dress. He wants to buy ice cream. 4.观察图一Where are the dresses?中dresses是dress的_________ 5.图二中的I’ll的全写形式是_______________。 6.图四中This shop has shoes, clothes, toys 中has的汉语意思__________.与have的关系?__________ 有 I will 复数形式 是have的三单 May I help you? Yes ,please. I want to buy a dress. Where are the dresses? I’ll show you. This way ,please. I’ll I will Here they are! Yes? May I help you? Excuse me. Where’s the ice cream? Ice cream? I’m sorry. This shop has shoes, clothes, toys, books and bikes but no ice cream. 任务三:朗读课文我最棒! 小组内组长领读 小组内分角色朗读 代表展示,全班跟读 现在准备属于你自己的对话吧,加油! 任务四: skirt trousers sweater coat cap scarf dress shorts gloves shoes shirt socks apple pear orange banana watermelon teddy bear ball kite clothes shop toy shop fruit shop A: May I help you? B: Yes, please. I want to buy ____ Where are the _____? A: I’ll show you. This way, please. Here they are! A: Thank you. B: You’re welcome. 英汉互译: 1.At the shop__________ 2. Excuse me__________ 3. This way please.__________ 4. 我们一起去购物吧!______________ 5. Can I help you?__________ 当堂小测


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