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Conclusion from Carnot cycle: 卡诺循环的结论 In Carnot cycle: the sum of ratios of heat-temperature of different stage is nil (热温商总和零) 。 Property of Entropy (熵的性质) In Carnot cycle ,the sum of ratios of heat to temperature is nil(零) 。 The structure of a Carnot cycle. 2). The entropy as a state function The total change in entropy around the closed cycle is: since then The structure of a Carnot cycle. Entropy - The entropy as a state function Q Q (图片来自网站) Question 2 : How about the ratio of heat-temperature in a general reversible cycle ? A thermodynamic cycle; the overall change in a state function is zero. Property of Entropy (熵的性质) In the limit of infinitesimal (微小) cycles, the non-canceling edges of the Carnot cycles match the overall cycle exactly; the sum becomes an integral(积分). This result implies that dS is an exact differential and S is state function. 2). The entropy as a state function a general reversible cycle Property of Entropy (熵的性质) (边界) The total differential is divided into two parts: A general reversible process Property of Entropy (熵的性质) A general reversible process Entropy (熵) So: Entropy is a state function ! Question 3: How about the relationship between following two formula ? Entropy (熵) 初末态相同时,可逆过程热与不可逆过程热有什么关系? 3) The Clausius inequality(克劳修斯不等式) Entropy(熵) A general cycle any reversible cycle ? Irreversible process A general cycle —— Clausius inequality (克劳修斯不等式) A cycle: irreversible process + reversible process 3) The Clausius inequality (克劳修斯不等式) A general Process: ir r 3) The Clausius inequality (克劳修斯不等式) An irreversible process: 初末态相同时,可逆过程热与不可逆过程热有什么关系? —— Clausius inequality (克劳修斯不等式) An infinitesimal process (无限小的过程): ir r 3) The Clausius inequality (克劳修斯不等式) For the closed system(对于封闭体系): 0 irreversible (不可逆) 0 impossible (不可能) 3). The Clausius inequality 0 spontaneous(自发) 0 impossible (不可能) = 0 equilibrorus (平衡,可逆)) 3). The Clausius inequality For the isolated system (孤


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