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6) Using the Internet to find information and resources (利用因特网来查找信息和资源) 7) Using a computer to communicate with others (使用计算机与他人交流) 8) Using a spreadsheet to model simple processes or financial tables(使用电子表格建立简单的程序模型或财务报表) 9) Using a database system to set up and access useful information(使用数据库系统,建立和访问有用的信息) 10) Using instructional materials to learn how to use new applications or features(使用教材来学习使用新的应用程序或功能) 根据这个报告要求,开设非计算机专业计算机或信息基础课程的学校在美国较为普遍,较为著名的有华盛顿大学的 CSE100: Fluency in Information Technology。 FIT 100:?Fluency in Information Technology?课程网站首页: /fit100/wi10/ the overall success rate (leaving the course with an A, B, or C—not counting those students who received a D, a failing grade, or withdrew from the course) was 78%. * communications of the ACM | may 2009 | vol. 52 | no. 5 推荐者:程向前 西安交通大学 计算机教学实验中心 作者:马克.古士德奥 佐治亚理工 教授 2010.7 西安C9会议上的发言 all students must take a course in computing. We started before publication of the National Research Council (NRC) 1999 report Being Fluent with Information Technology (美版《大学计算机基础》基本要求,类似“白皮书”) 部分译文参见:/xqcheng Though that report significantly influenced implementation. Students would be able “to make algorithmic and data structures choices” when writing programs That simple phrase describes a serious introductory course CS 1321 2/3 students at Georgia Tech teaching everyone on campus meant well over 1,200 students a semester. Textbook Shackelford 《pseudo-code approach to learning》 Felleisen et al.’s 《How to Design Programs text using Scheme》 CS1321 may have been the most hated course on campus the overall success was 78% 46.7% of architecture, 48.5% in management, 47.9% in public policy. females failed at nearly twice the rate of males. several studies were published critiquing computing courses, including the AAUW’s Tech-Savvy report and Unlocking the Clubhouse These reports describe students’ experiences in computing as “tedious,” “asocial,” and surprisingly, “irrelevant.” How could computing be “irrelevant” wh


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