Paparazzi2 iPhone开发教程讲义.pdf

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Paparazzi2 iPhone开发教程讲义

CS193P Paparazzi 2 Winter 2010 Cannistraro/Shaffer Paparazzi - Part 2 Due Date This assignment is due by 11:59 PM, February 10. Assignment Last week, you created the first version of Paparazzi, an iPhone application for viewing online photos. This week, we’ll improve the application in two major ways. First, we’ll make the switch from hardcoded views to table views, so that our application can display large, dynamic data sets. Second, we’re going to move from using property lists to CoreData for local storage so we’ll have a foundation for storing and searching large amounts of data. Here are the requirements for Part 2: 1. Read the contents of FakeData.plist at an appropriate place in your application’s life cycle and store it into a CoreData database. If you haven’t already you’ll need to add the file to your Xcode project so that it’s built into the application bundle. CoreData’s SQLite backing is persistent, so the code shouldn’t duplicate data on subsequent launches. Handle common error conditions gracefully. 2. Define Person and Photo model objects. A Person should include a name, and a set of photos. Each Photo should link to a Person, and should include a name and a path. So, for each item in the property list above, you’ll need to instantiate a Photo object and associate it with a corresponding Person object. The walkthrough covers this in more depth. 3. Update the PersonListViewController and PhotoListViewController classes to manage a plain style UITableView. You may want to make them into subclasses of UITableViewController. Display the list of Person objects in the table view, including an image and a name. Use a corresponding NSFetchedResultsController to manage objects fetche


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