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There isn’t much correspondence between their views and ours. 他们的观点和我们的很不一致。 Is there any correspondence between the name on the envelope and that on the letter inside? 信封上的名字与里面信上的名字是否相同? 2) agreement, similarity 符合,一致;相称 intellectually (Line 42, Para. 5) adv. from a rational, not an emotional point of view; in a way that needs serious thought 智力方面,思维方面 intellectual adj. of or relating to the intellect; rational 智力的;需用智慧的 intellectual education intellectual faculties intellectual people intellectual pursuits 智育 智能 善思考的人 需用脑力的研究 Intellectually speaking, the incident is very stimulating. 理智地讲,这件事很令人兴奋。 An intelligent person is someone with a quick and clever mind. intelligent 用来形容人的头脑的(先天的)敏捷和聪明。 An intellectual person is someone who is well-educated and interested in subjects which need long periods of study. intellectual 用来形容某人接受过良好的教育 和对某些需要长时间专业学习的事物有兴趣。 intellectual 和 intelligent 词义辨析 intellect 和 intelligence intellect: power of the mind to reason (contrasted with feeling and instinct) 理解力;悟力;智力(和感情与本能相对) eg. Intellect distinguishes man from animals. 智力使人区别于动物。 As we know, Albert Einstein is a man of intellect. 我们都知道爱因斯坦是有个有智慧的人。 intelligence: the power of seeing, learning, understanding and knowing; mental ability 智力;才智 eg. The children were given an intelligence test. 那些孩子们接受了智力测验。 When the water-pipe burst, she had the intelligence to turn the water off at the main. 当水管破裂时,她有头脑想到将总管关上。 词义辨析 They may now seemly regard Olympic gold medallist as the _____________of their team. 他们现在似乎把奥运冠军当作是他们运动队的精神领袖。 spiritually (Line 42, Para. 5) adv. in a manner indicating a purity of thought or feeling 精神上,心灵上 spiritual adj. of the spirit or soul; of religion 精神的;心灵的;宗教上的 spiritual leader He leads a colorful spiritual life. 他过着丰富的精神生活。 反义词形式:material adj. 1) made of, connected with, matter or substance 由物质构成的;物质的 material wealth material world a material being ma


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