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购买房屋对话 A. I’m planning to buy a villa. B. Well, We have different styles of villas, for example, the Classic style , Roman style or the traditional Chinese style. Which style do you like best? A. I prefer the Roman style. What is the size of it? B. It’s about three hundred and twenty square meters. 购买房屋对话 A. Any smaller ones? B. Yeah, We also have some about two hundred and eighty square meters. A. That’s good! May I have a look? B. Of course. Let me show you .This way, please! ? 业主求助(一) Good afternoon Madam . May I help you? 下午好,太太,我可以帮你吗 Yeah I’m sorry to tell that I’ve left my key in my house .And I couldn’t get in my own house. 噢,很抱歉告诉你,我把钥匙落在房间里了,我进不了房间。 Couldn’t your family members have another key? 你的家人没有另外的钥匙吗? ? Yes, my husband has one ,but he has been out on business in Guangzhou. He couldn’t be back until next Tuesday. And the most emergent thing is that I’m cooking soup on the gas stove. I’m feared of bringing about a fire disaster. 有,我丈夫有一片,但他现在出差到广州去了,到下星期二才回来,最紧要的是煤气灶上正在煲汤,我担心带来火灾。 Calm down, please! In this case, please fill in this form with your name .the room No., the building number and the content of your problem. 请冷静,这样,请把你的房号,楼号和问题内容填写入此表单。 Okay,(a moment later)Here you are. 好的,(一会儿)给你 Now, I’ll contact the secure guard and an engineer to come to your house .Please wait at your door step. 好了,我将给保安员和工程人员前往您房间,请在门前等我们。 Please come as soon as possible 请尽快赶来 ? 业主请求帮助(二) Good afternoon, madam. What’s the matter with you ? 下午好,女士。你怎么回事? I come here to complain the bad smell made by the neighbors downstairs. I’m almost driven mad. 我来这里是抱怨楼下邻居制造很糟糕的气味。我几乎逼得发疯。 I’m sorry to hear that. Calm down, please, And tell me how they could make that? 听到这个消息我很难过。请冷静下来,请告诉我他们是怎样制造的吗? 业主请求帮助(二) They’ve changed the apartments into a restaurant and enlarged the kitchen with no chimney .All the smell into my rooms through the windows. We could smell it even if we close the windows . 他们已经把公寓改成餐厅,厨房扩大无烟道,所有的气味通过窗户进入我的房间。即使我们把窗户关上也可以闻得到


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