现代艺术 3.ppt

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现代艺术 3

Modern Art Rejecting the past Expressionism Fauvism Cubism Dada Surrealism Abstract Art Pop Art Minimalism Early Expressionism Style that portrayed emotions through distorting form and color Edvard Munch Mental illness, depression Said he would never want to cast of his illness Aimed to induce strong reactions in his viewers Munch Vampire The Scream Puberty Fauvism 1904-1908 Explosion of color, exaggerated and vibrant Disregard for true/actual color “as if gremlins seized the color knob on the tv” Influenced by non-European tribal art of the colonies Leader: Matisse Matisse Blue Nude Derain Purple Bridge Cubism Break down of objects into a multitude of geometric shapes Stuck between representation and abstract Life through a fly’s eye Braque Fishing Boats Juan Gris Portrait of Picasso Picasso Italian Girl Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 His mother said, “If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk, you’ll end up as the Pope.” He said, “I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.” Painted around 50,000 pieces Notorious for relationships with women Children from many women Pablo Picasso Early Works Blue Phase Rose Phase Analytical Cubism Synthetic Cubism Late Works Answers Expressionism 1905-1930 Art should express the artist’s feelings rather than images of the real world Distorted, exaggerated forms and color Began with van Gogh, Gauguin, Munch Dark colors and woodcuts relay sadness of war Kathe Kollwitz Poverty Nolde Wildly Dancing Children What is art? Come up with a definition for art. What isn’t art? Abstract Art Began with Kandinsky in 1919 Post WWII to 80’s Abandon any reference to recognizable reality No subject Color can convey emotion even without content Founder: Kandinsky Kandinsky Improvisation 31 Black Spot I Mondrian Composition A: Composition with Black, Red, Gray, Yellow, and Blue Dada Art 1916-1923 Got its name from nonsense French for hobby horse Protested the madness of war Founded by WWI refugees Str


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