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各位朋友,欢迎大家来到中粮集团华夏长城酿酒工业园。今天我们将沉浸在华夏长城的美酒世界中,体味弥漫在空气中的醇香,追寻常驻在心间的故事。葡萄酒香已飘过悠悠数千年的历史,今天,在这里您将领略到中国人对葡萄酒的诠释。 华夏酒庄坐落于河北昌黎,北依燕山,东临渤海,近有东方神岳碣石山的护佑,远有浩浩渤海的海风的吹拂。踏进酒庄,漫山遍野的绿色令人心旷神怡,然而就是为了这一抹抹迷人的绿色,有多少人经历了多少艰难寂寞的年年月月,在荒芜的碣石山上建成了今天的美酒天堂。正所谓“梅花香自苦寒来”,华夏长城的酒香也是如此。 华夏葡园源源不断地酿出地道的干红,是因为这里地处北纬40度这一酿酒葡萄生长的黄金地带,这里有充沛的阳光,优质的土壤,适时的降水,精确的昼夜温差,以及超越四季局限的生长期。这里年日照时间达到2600-2800小时,年平均降水量600毫米左右,昼夜温差12.3摄氏度。在干燥的石灰岩土壤上,每串葡萄都秉承日月之精华,每一滴美酒都吸取天地之灵气。因此,这里被国内外专家称为酿酒葡萄生长的黄金地带,昌黎也被称为“酿酒葡萄之乡”和“中国干红葡萄酒城”。 多年来,华夏酒庄传递给人的理念是“酒的品质只来自好产地、好品种、好年份”,正是这极为质朴的言语,使得这个酒庄充满了神秘之感。好产地依托于优越的地理位置,好品种来自于人工的研究与培育,好年份得益于上天的恩赐。这也符合中国古典儒家学派的“天时,地利,人和”。 也正是好产地,好品种,好年份造就了华夏长城卓越非凡的品质。他作为民族红酒的代表,每年都吸引着国内外酒迷一睹葡萄酒的玄妙,倾听美酒的告白。 Dear friends, welcome to our Huaxia Great Wall Wine-making Industry Manor of Zhongliang Corporation. Today we’ll immerse us in the wonder of the wine world of Huaxia Great Wall, enjoy the fragrance filling the air and reflect on the stories that are forever on our mind. The wine scent has wafted through a history of thousands of years, leading you to appreciate Chinese people’s understanding of grape wine. Huaxia Wine Manor is seated in Changli, Hebei Province. With Yanshan Mountain to the north and Bohai Sea to the east, it is said to be blessed by the holy Jieshi Mountain to the east and you can always enjoy the favorable sea breeze of the vast Bohai Sea. The moment you step into the wine manor, you’ll be absorbed in the carefree and joyous green everywhere. However, as the famous verse goes, “After the most chilly days, plum blossom diffuses its scent”, the wine perfume of Huaxia Great Wall is of the same case. It’s hard to decide that on the once barren Jieshi Mountain, how many people experienced countless lonely tough days and finally created this heaven of nice wine and fascinating green!. The reason why Huaxia Grape Manor is able to continuously produce pure grape wine is that it’s on a forty-degree-north -latitude golden belt which is suitable for wine-making grapes. Here we have sufficient sunl


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