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本科生毕业论文 论文题目:计算机数理逻辑中命题演算演示系统的研究与开发 学 院 ××学院 专 业 ××××专业 学 号 学 生 姓 名 指导教师姓名 ××× 指导教师职称 指导教师单位 计算机数理逻辑中命题演算演示系统的研究与开发 摘 要 本论文研究了计算机数理逻辑中的命题演算部分内容。在逻辑语言的命题演算中,命题式的等价是一个基础性的问题,在判定命题式等价问题中,真值表示比较常用的一个方式。判定的依据是两个命题式如果其真值完全相同则命题式等价;一阶谓词逻辑是命题演算的重要组成部分,是命题演算的基础。而一阶谓词逻辑化为其前束范式是命题演算的重要步骤。对于一阶谓词化为其前束范式问题,一般可以通过三个步骤完成,首先去掉逻辑式中的连接词;其次将否定词深入到各原子公式中;最后利用永真等价式将量词逐个移到式子的前部。 本文在对数理逻辑领域的命题演算课题进行理论研究的基础上,对命题式的真值计算和一阶谓词命题式的前束范式化简进行了基于VC++平台的编程实现。程序演示了符合要求的命题式的真值求值过程以及前束范式的化简过程,具有较好的教学演示功能,对计算机辅助教学有一定的现实意义。 关键词:真值表;一阶谓词;前束范式; vc; Research and Development of propositional logic system in Computer Logic ABSTRACT This paper works on propositional logic system in Computer Logic. In the field of propositional logic in computer logic, the Logic Equivalent of propositional is fundermental. True Value Table is a valuable methods to judge whether two propositionals are equivalent. If the true values of the two propositionals are completely the same, the two propositionals are equivalent. First order logic is a most important concept in the field of propositional logic. Prenex normal form of the first order logic propositional is the key to propositional logic. Generally, there are three steps to change get a prenex normal form: first of all get rid of the connection word; Secondly, make the negative word to the front of every atomic. This paper introduced the some theories of propositional logic, and gave the Computer implementation of the propositional logic calculations based on VC++. The system showed the procedures of the propositional logic. It is valuable and useful for teaching propositional logic. Key words: true value table; first order logic; prenex normal form; vc 目 录 1. 绪论 -----------------------------------------------------------------1 2. 命题逻辑 -----------------------------------------------



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