critical analysis of the published literature about the effects of ramadan intermittent fasting on healthy childrens physical capacities:莱氏间歇禁食对健康儿童生理能力影响的文献分析.Image.Marked.pdf

critical analysis of the published literature about the effects of ramadan intermittent fasting on healthy childrens physical capacities:莱氏间歇禁食对健康儿童生理能力影响的文献分析.Image.Marked.pdf

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critical analysis of the published literature about the effects of ramadan intermittent fasting on healthy childrens physical capacities:莱氏间歇禁食对健康儿童生理能力影响的文献分析.Image.Marked

Libyan Journal of Medicine LETTER TO THE EDITOR Critical analysis of the published literature about the effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on healthy children’s physical capacities amadan is the month in which Muslims refrain 2. No study included a parallel control group of from food and fluid intake from dawn to sunset. non-fasting individuals. This could be considered RIt is quite questionable whether pre-pubescent a serious omission because the internal validity of children should be allowed to fast while religion advises the findings from these studies and the changes in such a practice only after puberty, but it is a relatively the variables assessed cannot be attributed solely to current practice that children make their first attempt to RIF. Nevertheless, it has to be noted that obtaining fast the entire month while they are still pre-pubescent. non-fasting groups in ‘Muslim’ countries is not easy Most published studies examining the effects of Ramadan due to understandable ethical reasons (1). There- intermittent fasting (RIF) on sport performance were per- fore, most of the studies on RIF used before- formed on adult subjects, and data regarding its effects Ramadan (BR) values as baseline or control. For on children are few. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, example, a MEDLINE search performed on April and ISI Web of Science on April 10, 2015, using the com- 10, 2015, using the key words ‘Ramadan fasting’ bination of the following medical subject headings: (‘fasting’ and ‘control group’



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