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国际跳棋裁判常用口语(双语版) Spoken English for Draughts Arbiter BEFORE THE GAME START 比赛前 How long is our tournament? 比赛持续多长时间? Our tournament lasts two weeks from 1 to 15 October. 比赛持续两周,从10月1日起到15日 Our tournament will last two (three, four) weeks from now on . 从现在开始,比赛将进行两(三、四)周。 When is the opening ceremony? 开幕式什么时候举行? The opening ceremony is on Sunday, June 12 at 2 p.m. 开幕式于6月12日(星期日)下午2点举行。 When is the closing ceremony? 闭幕式什么时候举行? The closing ceremony is on Saturday, June 14 at 4 p.m. 闭幕式于6月14日(星期六)下午4点举行。 When is the technical meeting? 何时召开技术会议? The technical meeting will be held in this (today’s, tomorrow’s, etc.) evening at eight o’clock in meeting room No.1 of the main building ( playing hall, hotel, etc.) 技术会议将于今(明天)晚8点在主楼第一会议室(比赛大厅、饭店)召开。 When is the drawing of lots? 什么时候抽签? The drawing of lots is at 5 :00 p.m. on Thursday, September 15. 抽签在周四(9月15日)下午5点举行。 What is your number? 你是多少号? My number is one.(two , etc.). 我是1号。(2号。……)。 What is Master X’s number ? X 大师多少号? Master X. has number three.(four,etc.) X大师是3号。(4号。……) By what time should team captains submit the lists of the teams? 领队什么时候提交队员名单? Team captains should submit the lists of the teams everyday not later than 10 a.m. (in technical meeting,etc.) 领队应在每天上午10点之前(技术会议上……)提交队员名单。 What time does the play start? 比赛何时开始? The play starts at 3 p. m. 比赛在下午3点开始。 What time does the first round start ? 第一轮何时开始? The first round starts immediately after the opening ceremony. 第一轮比赛在开幕式后马上开始。 The first round starts at 3 p. m. on Monday, October 9 . 第一轮于10月9日星期一下午3点开始。 At what time will the pairing for the first (next, last,etc.) round be announced? 第一轮(下一轮、最后一轮……)配对表什么时候公布? The pairing for the first round will be announced tomorrow morning outside the playing hall (in the reception hall of the hotel). 第一轮配对表将于明天早上在比赛大厅外(饭店接待处)公布。 The pairing for the next round will be announced every morning at 9 a. m. 接下来轮次的配对表将于每天早上9点公布。 What is the time for the resumption of adjourned games? 什么时候继续比赛? The time of the resumption


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