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网络安全视角下的犯罪 Understanding Cybercrime from the Perspective of Cybersecurity 鲁传颖·上海国际问题研究院 Lu Chuanying Shanghai Institutes For Internal Studies 网络犯罪问题的两种视角 two perspectives dealing with cybercrimes 犯罪视角 网络安全视角 crimes cybersecurity 1、网络犯罪的基本特性 . Defining features of cybercrimes (1 )犯罪的溯源难、主体不明确 Attribution is a big challenge 犯罪的溯源难、主体不明确。 可以是个人、犯罪集团、恐怖 分子等。 Attribution is a big challenge. Attackers, who could be individuals, criminal organizations, or terrorists, are hard to identify. (2 )技术的军民两用性Duel Use of Cybersecurity Technology Take Wannacry as an example. Originally developed by NSA under the name “Eternal Blue”, it was later leaked into the dark net. Criminals used this tool and developed a ransomware called Wannacry. (3 )目标更加复杂The objectives are even more complicated 不仅仅是以经济为目标,开始把军事 和政治和社会列入攻击目标。 Cybercrimes are mostly committed, first and foremost, with economic targets in mind, but may, over time, turn to military, political and social targets for various reasons. (4)网络犯罪的普遍性(低门槛、低成本) The universality of cybercrime due to the low threshold and low cost For example, Mirai, Japanese manga MIRAI NIKKI, was first designed as a game plug to attack MineCraft server and led to network breakdown in eastern U.S., which is widely known as the DYN event. Later, in order to acquit, the Mirai code was uploaded to the Internet and used for secondary attacks. (5 )网络犯罪的创新性 The innovative nature of cybercrime Take Binance as an example. It is one kind of the bitcoin. The hackers control a large number of Binance accounts, and use the currency in the account to conduct bitcoin transactions in a very short time so as to


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