Alternative Energy Viability in the United States:在美国替代能源的可行性.pptVIP

Alternative Energy Viability in the United States:在美国替代能源的可行性.ppt

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Alternative Energy Viability in the United States:在美国替代能源的可行性.ppt

Alternative Energy Viability in the United States By: Gareth Collins Molly Conlon Tim Peters Table of Contents Hypothesis / Intro Alternative Energy Types Environmental Impacts Conclusion Bibliography Hypothesis If the United States adopts efficient modes of alternative energy use, we can mitigate the global rise in Carbon Dioxide emissions and environmental hazards. Introduction The bulk of our research is focused on three viable forms of energy that will effectively reduce carbon emissions in the United States: Nuclear, Wind, Biomass Background Information Major sources of energy in the United States include and their effects on the environment Coal (51%) Nuclear (20%) Natural Gas (17%) Hydro (7%) Petroleum (3%) Renewables/other (2%) Fossil Fuels: Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas Advantages Good availability presently Simple combustion Inexpensive Easily distributed Disadvantages Contributor to global warming Exhaustible fuel source Cause of acid rain Nuclear Energy Advantages Same cost as coal No pollution Small amount of fuel needed for large amount of energy production Small amount of waste Reliable Disadvantages Very dangerous Money must be spent on safety Nuclear Fission Currently 103 operational reactors in U.S. Does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. Offsets 700 million metric tons of CO2 per year in the U.S. (2 billion worldwide). Biomass Energy Advantages Inexhaustible Minimal environmental impact Globally available Disadvantages Could contribute to increased CO2 emissions if burned directly Expensive source Biomass Ethanol Production Process Wind Energy Advantages Inexhaustible No pollution Disadvantages Disperse source (low energy production) Geographically dependent Expensive to maintain Wind Energy Wind energy is the cheapest form of alternative energy. With reasonably aggressive expansion of wind power, the Midwest United States could easily supply 5-10% of its power needs w


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