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92-Abdom?en n.(人体的)腹部The pregn?ant woman? has an enlar?ged abdom?en.那位有身孕?的妇人有增?大的下腹。 Berea?ve v.剥夺;使丧失;使痛失(亲属等) The lost hiker?s were beref?t of hope when the rescu?e plane? did not see them. 当救援的飞?机没有看到?他们时,那些迷路的?徒者丧失了?希望。 Conse?crate? v.奉为神圣;尊崇 This battl?efiel?d is conse?crate?d to the memor?y of the soldi?ers who died here. 这战场被视?为圣地以纪?念于该处的?战士。 Evoke? v.唤起;引起 A good joke does not neces?saril?y evoke? a heart?y laugh?. 好笑话并不?一定逗人大?笑。 Groov?e n.沟;槽;凹线 Wheel?s left groov?es in a muddy? dirt road.车轮在泥泞?的路上留下?了凹痕。 Jolt v.摇动;使颠簸 The old car jolte?d its passe?ngers? badly? as it went over the rough? road. 那旧车了走?过崎岖的道?路时,很历害地颠?簸着它的乘?客。 Obsol?ete adj.作废的;过时的 Bowin?g to greet? a lady is now an obsol?ete custo?m. 现今,用鞠躬来欢?迎女士已是?过时的习俗?。 Prowl? v.潜行以寻觅?或偷窃 Many wild anima?ls prowl? at night? looki?ng for somet?ing to eat. 许多野兽在?夜间巡行以?找寻食物。 Scoop? v.掘;挖 The child?ren scoop?ed holes? in the sand. 孩子们挖沙?坑。 Statu?s n.状况;地位 Diplo?mats are inter?ested? in the statu?s of world? affai?rs.外交家关心?世界局势。 Sue v.起诉;控告 The farme?r sued the railr?oad stati?on becau?se his cow was kille?d by the train?. 那位农夫因?他的牛被火?车压死而控?告火车站。 Bandi?t n.强盗;土匪 The bandi?t in a typic?al Weste?rn movie? rides? a horse? and goes armed?,eithe?r alone? or in a group?. 在典型的西?部片中,土匪单独或?成群结队骑?着马且全副?武装。 Comme?morat?e v.纪念;庆祝 Chris?tmas comme?morat?es the birth? of Jesus? Chris?t. 圣诞节是庆?祝耶酥基督?的诞生。 Defil?e v.弄脏;弄污 The child?rens muddy? shoes? defil?ed all the rugs in the hotel?. 孩子们泥泞?的鞋子弄脏?了旅社所有?的地毯。 Devia?tion n.离题;偏差 Runni?ng in the the hall is a devia?tion from the schoo?l rules? and will not be allow?ed. 在走廊上奔?跑是违反校?规且不被允?许的。 Forti?tude n.坚忍;刚毅 She could? bear the disap?-point?ments? of other? peopl?e with toler?able forti?tude. 她能够毅然?忍受他人带?给她的失望?。 Incon?solab?le adj.伤心的 The littl?e girl was incon?solab?le at the loss of her kitte?n. 那小女孩因?失去她的小?猫而伤心不?已。 Nibbl?e vi. 细咬;细食 Arent yo uhung?ry?You are only nibbl?ing your food. 你不饿吗?你只是在轻?咬你的食物?。 Pagea?nt n.壮观;华饰 The coron?ation? of the new king was


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