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Inter American University of Puerto Rico Metropolitan Campus Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences MBA PROGRAM  Syllabus    I.  General Information  Course Title: Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Code and Number: BADM 5010 Credits: 3 Credits Academic Term: Trimester August- October 2009 (2010-13) Professor: Dr. Milly Varas Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-2:30 pm Phone Number: (787) 250-1912 ext. 2321 and 2493 E-mail address: mvaras@ II. Description: Study of the quantitative methods for decision making, in particular the application of mathematical and statistical models in the analysis of problems related to economic and administrative sciences. The main topic includes probability and decision making analysis, game theory, analysis under uncertain conditions, and network analysis. Includes simulations. III. Objectives: At the end of the course the student will be able to: 1) Identify and diagnosed problems. 2) Select the quantitative technique or model appropriate in problem solving and decision making situations. 3) Apply various quantitative models in decision making situations. 4) Interpret results and the impacts they have upon the problems being studied. 5) Decide the appropriate course of action based on the quantitative analysis performed. 6) Integrate the quantitative methods learned for making decisions within an organization. 7) Explain decisions based on quantitative elements. IV. Course Content


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