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摘  要 随着互联网时代信息与数据的快速增长,科学、工程和商业计算领域需要处理大规模、海量的数据,对计算能力的需求远远超出自身IT架构的计算能力,这时就需要不断加大系统硬件投入来实现系统的可扩展性。另外,由于传统并行编程模型应用的局限性,客观上要求一种容易学习、使用、部署的新的并行编程框架。在这种情况下,为了节省成本和实现系统的可扩放性,云计算的概念被提了出来。Internet 交给云平台来处理;在资源交付上,将IT 资源、系统资源和应用等整合为服务提供给用户; 在商业模式上,实现了资源的按需定制、按量付费。 本文研究了云计算的发展历史和应用场景,比较了现有的云计算的定义。云计算是分布式计算、并行处理和网格计算的进一步发展,它是基于互联网的计算,能够向各种互联网应用提供硬件服务、基础架构服务、平台服务、软件服务、存储服务的系统。通常云系统由第三方拥有的机制提供服务,用户只关心云所提供的服务3G移动通信网络和无线通信的主流技术WIFI进行研究,对以几个企业的典型云计算技术模型为例,总结了云计算的关键技术:虚拟化技术、Web服务技术、编程模型和任务调度模型等,分析了云计算结合移动通信和无线通信技术的主要应用模式SaaS,即软件及服务模式,结合现在的运营通信指出云计算的广阔发展前景。 关键词:云计算;虚拟化技术;Web服务;编程模型 Research of wireless Network Access Based on Cloud Computing Abstract In the Internet age, With the a rapid growth of information and data, Science, engineering and business need to address large-scale computing, massive data. Demanding for computing power far beyond its own IT infrastructure computing power, Then on the need to constantly increase the hardware inputs to achieve system scalability. In addition, because the application of the traditional limitations of parallel programming models, objectively requires an easy to learn, use and deployment of new parallel programming framework.. In this case, in order to cut costs and implementing a system Scalability, cloud computing concept is put forward. Cloud computing is an emerging computing model, which is in the grid computing based on evolved, also cloud computing is a new resource delivery, a new business model. Concept in the calculation will be calculated through the Internet to the cloud platform to deal with; the resources to deliver on the IT resources, system resources and application integration for service providers to users; the business model, the realization of the resources on-demand, according to the amount paid. This article describes the history and development of cloud computing scenarios, comparing the existing definition of cloud computing. Cloud computing is distributed computing, parallel processing and the further developm



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