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常用词组及搭配(B) 词语 解释 blind to 对...视而不见 bound for (人)准备到...去,(车、船)开往...的 busy in 忙于 busy with 忙于 be about to 即将,正要干某事 I was just about to leave when you telephoned. 我正要出门你就来电话了。 be absorbed in 专心于 be absorbed in study 专心学习 be absorbed in thoughts 在沉思中 be accustomed to 习惯于 be accustomed to this sort of work 习惯这种工作 be bound to 一定要... She is bound to find out. 她一定会发现的。 It is bound to happen. 这事必然会发生。 be devoted to 致力于... The magazine is devoted to science. 这本杂志专论科学。 She is devoted to her children. 她全心照管子女。 Every effort has been devoted to studying the origin of cancer. 已经作出最大努力来研究癌症的起因。 be entitled to 有...的资格 ,有权 She is fully entitled to benefits. 她完全有资格领取救济金。 We are entitled to attend all concerts. 我们有权免费听所有的音乐会。 be fed up with 饱受, 厌烦 Im fed up with his story. 他的故事我听腻了。 be opposed to 对面的,相对的 He is opposed to my suggestion. 他反对我的建议。 be subjected to 征服,统治,支配 Im subjected to hard work. 我得努力工作。 be used to 过去习惯于 You will soon be used to the life there. 你很快就会习惯于那里的生活的。 Im used to getting up early. 我习惯早起床。 bear/have/keep in mind 记住, 思念, 存心, 紧记 begin with 首先 You should begin with this book. 你该先读这本书。 be beside (the) point/question 离题, 不中肯 beyond question 无可争辩 break away 突然离开, 脱离, 放弃, (运动中)反攻为守 break away from a bad habit. 戒除恶习 He broke away from his captors. 他摆脱了抓捕他的人。 break down 分解 to bread down a substance into its components 把一种物质分解成各种物质 break in 突然打断 He broke in on their conversation. 他突然插话,打断了他们的谈话。 break into 破门而入, 侵占 I had to break into the room as I had lost the key. 因为钥匙丢了,我不得不破门而入。 break off 脱落, 断绝关系, 与...绝交 He has broken off all relations with her. 他断绝与她的一切关系。 break out 起始,发生 to break out in 突然发生 He breaks out in a rash. 他全身出了一片红疹。 break through 突围, 突破 They broke through to the encircled unit. 他们突破了封锁去救被围困的部队。 break up 分裂, 分散, 破裂 They broke up the estate into small lots. 他们把这块地分成小块。 bring / come into operation 把...带进... She brought the chairs into the house.. 她把椅子搬进屋里。 bring about 使发生, 致使 What brought about all the


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