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2012-2013学年?度上学期六年?级英语学科调?研测试题 单项选择(15分, 每小题1分) ()1. Boys and girls, you are clever?. This is _____ intere?sting test for you. Please? be carefu?l to answer? it. Best wishes? to you! A. a B. an C. the ()2. I _____ my homewo?rk on Sunday?s. A. don’t B. don’t do C. doesn’t do ()3. - _____ there two apples? and a pear on the table? - Yes, _____. A. Is, there is B. Are, they are C. Are, there are ()4. Englis?h is our favori?te subjec?t. Everyo?ne in my class _____ hard to get good grades?. A. studie?s B. study C. studyi?ng ()5. - What are they doing? - They _____ a soccer? game. A. watchi?ng B. are lookin?g at C. are watchi?ng ()6. My brothe?r plays tennis? _____ than I do, but I have _____ friend?s than him. A. well, many B. better?, more C. best, most ()7. - Are these _____ shoes? - No, _____ are over there. These are _____. A. his, hers, them B. her, her, mine C. your, mine, his ()8. I usuall?y _____ around? ten p.m. Every day. A. get up B. go to bed C. get dresse?d ()9. There are three _____ and four _____ in the meetin?g room. A. Americ?ans, German?s B. Americ?an, Germen? C. Americ?an, German?s ()10. I can see a house, _____ in this pictur?e. A. and a bird, a tree B. and a bird, and a tree C. a bird, and a tree ()11. My friend?, Tom _____ me. He _____ scienc?e. I like Chines?e better?. So we are differ?ent. A. isn’t like, likes B. likes, is like C. is like, doesn’t like ()12. -Linda, don’t _____ the door. I’m going. - OK, mum. A. forget? lockin?g B. forget? to lock C. forget?ting to lock ()13. I have two brothe?rs. One is a doctor?, _____ is a bank clerk. other B. anothe?r C. the other ()14. - I don’t feel like _____ Italia?


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