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影响大学生参加医疗保险因素分析及其解决措施-基于辽宁工程技术大学阜新校区调查分析 //.paper.edu.cn - 1 - 影响大学生参加医疗保险因素分析及其解 决措施—基于辽宁工程技术大学阜新校区 调查分析 孙玉阳* 作者简介:孙玉阳,男,(1987-),职称 学生 (辽宁工程技术大学公共管理与法学院社保 07—1,辽宁 阜新 123000) 摘要:摘要:本文针对影响大学生参保的原因进行分析:商业保险的冲击;大学生自身的观 念;现行大学生参加居民医保的政策,受益面较狭窄,在一定程度上影响了参保率,提出: 将普通门诊纳入统筹范围,提高校医院医院和学校附近的门诊部或卫生部的质量,将其纳入 医保定点的医院,大学生能真正得到实惠;取消大学生参加医疗保险的自愿原则;协调好大 学生医疗保险和商业保险的关系。使大学生医疗保险能够充分发挥作用,保障广大学生的合 法权益,构建社会主义和谐社会。 关键词:大学生;医疗保险;需求因素 The Fcators on Affecting College Studnts Particapate In Medical Insurance And The Corresponding Solutions-Based On An Analysis Of An lvestigation in FuXin Campus liaoning Technical University Sun Yuyang (School of public Administration and Low,Liaoning Technical Unixersity, LiaoNing FuXin 123000) Abstract: IThis paper mainly analyses the factors on affecting college students participating in medical insurance,including the impact of commercial insurance and the concepts of college students.On the other hand,the present policy of calling for college students participating in Urban Residents Medical Insurance,which has a narrow benefits coverage,affect the rate of participating insurance to some extent.This paper also put forward the following solutions:involving Clinic into the range of covering, improving the services qualities in campus hospital and the surrounding clinics,serving them as a designated hospital in which way college students can benefit from them,canceling the voluntary principle of participating in Medical Insurance and coordinating the relationships between the commercial insurance and the Medical Insurance.For those measures established, the Medical Insurance can fully play its role in protecting the college students#039; legal rights and constructing harmonious socialist society. Keywords:College Students;Medical Insurance;Demand Factors 0 引言 2008 年 10 月 25 日 ,国务院办公厅下发了 《关于将大学生纳入城镇居民基本医疗保险 试点范围的指导意见》(国发[2008 ]119 号)的文件 ,决定将大学生纳入城镇居民基本医疗保 险试点范围。这对从根本上解决



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