there be结构的习惯性错误及小结.doc

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there be结构的习惯性错误及小结

there be结构的习惯性错误及小结 There be结构在初中就已经是学习的重点和难点。高中阶段仍然有很多同学在这一结构的使用上频频出错。大家先看一看以下的2个句子,确定一下是否正确。 1、 There will have a class meeting tomorrow afternoon. 2、 There are one third of the students think it necessary to move the zoo.如果你发现不了以上句子的错误,说明你的there be的使用是存在习惯性错误的。以上句子是我在日常教学中看到的学生普遍出现的病句,根源就是没有掌握there be的 用法。 第一句应该改为There will be a class meeting tomorrow afternoon. 谨记第一条:there be结构与have都可表示‘有‘的含义,但在意义上have强调‘所有‘, 而there be则强调‘存在‘,它们的侧重点不同。在there be句型中be的形式不能用have/has代替。 there不能和have(has)连用。There后无论有多少助动词,做后要落实到be上。再看下一题: There ___ a talk show on CCTV- 4 at nine this evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. is having 本题答案是B.这是there be的将来时,be前面多了be going to.第二个句子应该改为There are one third of the students who think it necessary to move the zoo.或改为There are one third of the students thinking it necessary to move the zoo. 谨记第二条:there be结构的be已经是谓语动词,如果后面还有动词出现,要把它变成非谓语动词做定语或扩充成定语从句的形式。 这样的错误经常出现在书面表达中。学生一着急就按照汉语的说话顺序写出了2个连续的谓语动词,造成语病。 下面就there be的用法我们做一些总结。 一、不同时态的There be 结构 1. There will be thousands of football fans in London next month. (一般将来时)下个月伦敦将有成千上万的球迷。 2. There is going to be a film in our school this weekend.(一般将来时)我们学校这个周末有一场电影。 3. There is to be a concert at the Albert Hall tonight. It is to be broadcast live.(一般将来时)今晚在阿尔伯特会堂举行音乐会,将要进行实况转播。 4. There have been a lot of accidents round here.(现在完成时)这里出过许多事故。 5. There has been some awful weather lately, hasn‘t there? (现在完成时) 最近天气有时很糟糕,不是吗? 6. He told me that there had been an argument between them.(过去完成时) 他告诉我他们之间有过一场辩论。 7. There will have been a definite result before Friday.(将来完成时) 星期五以前将肯定会有结果。 二、含有情态动词的There be 结构 1. There would be fewer accidents if drivers took care.司机如果小心开车就会少出事故。 2. He felt that there must be something wrong with the car.他当时感觉车肯定出毛病了。 3. There may quite well be another demonstration tonight.今晚也许又有一场示威。 4. Why do there have to be poor people like those? 为什么有像那样的一些穷人呢?


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