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昆明市地铁票价定价策略 学 校: 昆明理工大学 学 院: 理学院 专 业: 信息与计算科学 姓 名: 指导教师单位: 理学院 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 讲师 二零年六月Kunming subway fare pricing strategy University: Kunming University of Science and Technology Faculty: College Of Science Major: Information?And?Computer?Science Name: Lihuiliang Faculty Adviser Unit: College Of Science Faculty Adviser Name: Yinying Professional Title: Lecturer June 2012 摘要 城市轨道交通与其它交通方式相比,以其快速、安全、准时、用地省、运能大、能耗少、污染小等优点,对缓解目前城市道路交通拥堵具有重要的意义,因此,发展城市轨道交通已成为我国一些大城市的共识。而轨道交通票价制定的合理与否直接关系到政府、居民以及轨道交通运营者利益,也是城市轨道交通生存和发展的重要问题。 本论文首先总结了国内外城市轨道交通票价制定所考虑的因素、定价原则以及定价方法等。然后根据昆明市的具体实际经济情况建立了两个模型来解决昆明地铁票价问题:模型一利用了拉姆齐模型来求解;模型二利用了伯特兰纳什均衡模型来求解。两种模型得出的最终基本票价都比较接近。即最终的票价方案为: 票价 2元 3元 4元 5元 6元 7元 计程/站 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-18 18-24 24-终点 关键词:轨道交通 拉姆齐 伯特兰纳什均衡 昆明地铁 Abstract Compared to other mass-transportation,urban rail transit has lots of advantages such as higher-speed,more safety, on-time,more fields saved,more transport,less energy taken and less pollution,etc.Therefore,it has been popularized by many middle and big cities which have realized that developing urban rail transit with big capacity is a traffic problem that is must to deal with.It counts for the profits of the government whether the institution of ticket price is reasonable,the citizen sand the urban rail transit operator, SO it has already become the key for the survival and development of the urban rail transit. This paper first summarizes the domestic and international urban rail transport fare to develop the factors taken into account, the pricing principles and pricing methods. Then according to the specific reality of the economic situation in Kunming, the two models to solve the the Kunming subway fare: the model of a use of the Ramsey model to solve; model 2 use the Bertrand-Nash equil


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